T w e n t y F o u r

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Life without Liam is a life without a responsible figure, in a way, Liam was more like a dad than my real dad. He took care of me, whenever I needed him, he was there.

And now I didn't have him.

It made me feel sort of empty inside, knowing that I have no one left. Well, I have Drew. But I can't rant about Chris to Drew, or talk about Drew to Drew. Or could I?

I decide that I'm not going to be alone, I don't do too well on my own. So I show up at her house, I don't even care that a car is in her driveway. I'm about to knock on her door when I look at the car a second time. It's not her aunt's car, it's a black '79 Corolla. Who is here?

I knock on the door twice, but hear no response, no footsteps. I knock again, this time louder. Still no response. This time, I reach behind me for my gun and attempt to look through the curtains. I barely see through a small crack between them, no sign of life in the main room. I draw my steps back and look at the door, contemplating on what to do.

Then I hear a scream.

Without thinking, I swing my foot against the door, kicking it off of its hinges. I run in and immediately climb the stairs, two at a time. Once I reach he bedroom, I push the door open and see Drew, her shorts are around her ankles and her underwear torn at the sides. She scrambles back on her bed and holds her knees to her chest, tears falling rapidly down her cheeks.

When I turn my head to the window, I barely see the ghost of a figure climb out the window. I run to it and look out, a manly shape balances on the ledge, keeping his face turned away from me. He carefully climbs to the corner of the house and finds a branch a few feet away. Without hesitation or fail, he jumps to it and shimmies down the trunk, sprinting to his car. I'm about to climb out the window myself, when I hear Drew's cries behind me.

I turn and drop my gun, rushing to her. I take her in my arms and bring her to my chest, she sobs into my shoulder and I sit back on the bed, holding her. Her hands grip the back of my shirt tightly, and she repeats my name, over and over again. While she does, I think about the man. Why Drew? How did he get in?

"Drew." I whisper, calming her by stroking her brown locks.

She breathes heavily and pull back, her glossy brown eyes stare into mine, she holds her bottom lip to keep her sobs silent.

"Who was it?" I ask, hearing the harshness in my voice mixed with fear.

Don't let it be revenge meant for me. Don't let me be the reason. Don't.

"I-I d-don't kn-ow." she breaks down again and pulls me close, I instinctively envelope her in my arms and shelter her from the world.

I want to keep her like this forever.

I want to be her protector.


Who do you think it was?

Hint: It's not Liam or Zayn.

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