Chapter Twenty-Four: I Need You

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"Ashton should be the first to know, he's the one who put the effort in." Quinn chuckled. "How far along are you?"

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"How did you know?" Quinn asked.

"I kept feeling drained, tired and hormonal." I said. "And I took a test, I'm positive."

"I could tell you how far along you are." Quinn said putting his hands up. "May I?" I nodded. He put one hand on my head and the other on my abdomen and closed his eyes. "You are five weeks along." I eyes widened and I began to pace.

"Fuck! I'm pregnant..." I said frustrated.

"Myra, take a seat, and calm down." Quinn said softly. I shook my head.

"I can't." I said running a hand through my hair. Quinn grabbed my hands and all of the sudden I felt calm and I took a seat.

"First, we need to figure out what you're going to do." Quinn said.

"I can't tell Ashton." Was the first thing out of my mouth. "Which is why I need to know how to lock out everyone."

Quinn sighed heavily. "You're gonna have to tell him before he finds out, and it won't take long."

"Dad will you or will you not close my mind?" I asked.

"I will, but he's going to know something's wrong, he's a smart boy." I just looked down at my fingers.

"I know." I said softly.

"I hope you make the right decisions." Quinn said and with one hand he grabbed my hand and with the other he put his hand on my head. "Close your eyes, and tell me what you see."

"A black room with a luminescent switch." I said.

"What is the switch on?" Quinn asked.

"Open." I said.

"What are your options to turn it to?" Quinn asked.

"Manual, or Closed." I said.

"Switch to Manual, and open your eyes." I did as he said and opened my eyes. "Now, whenever you don't want someone to know a specific thought they can't read it."

"Can we test it?" I asked.

"Sure, think of something you don't want me to know." I nodded. Well, I obviously don't want anyone to know I'm thinking about an abortion.

"Did you hear that?" I asked. Quinn shook his head.

"Don't look at this as a negative thing, think about Ashton and the rest of your family-even me." Quinn said cupping my cheek. "I've been around many years and I just met you not too long ago. You are what I'm here for and when things like you being pregnant and having kids happens-I have a even more legitimate reason to remain on Earth."

"I know, dad, but it's not as easy as it sounds." I said sadly. He pulled me into a hug.

"It's only as hard as you make it, sweetheart." Quinn said and kissed my forehead. "Now, go ahead and handle pack business." I smiled and kissed my dad's cheek and left the house. I made it to the Packhouse quicker than I thought I would and went up to the Devereux office. The first thing I noticed was a note on Ashton's desk, it hadn't been opened or anything. I sat down in the seat and opened the note and read. I clamped my hand over my mouth as I read. I didn't bother with wiping my face as the tears slid down my face and on to the paper. I felt my heart twist and turn. I got up and ran out of the Packhouse and drove home. I knew Ashton wouldn't be home yet but I would wait for him. To my surprise, Ashton was there when I got to the house. I got out and walked into the house.

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