waking up

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Tommy's pov-

  I slowly opened my eyes, I had a huge headache. moving around a bit I found I was back home 'what....? I could've sworn I was on the bench with the weird roses' I thought as I put my hands down lifting myself up. before I even got the chance to look around I felt a pair of arms surrounding me in a huge hug. "I was worried you stupid idiot." I heard my bestfriend slightly yell in a worried tone. 'shit did I worry him?' I thought anxiously "s-sorry" fuck I stuttered.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around Tubbo in a hugging motion. "why'd you just run of tommy?" I heard the familiar voice of Wilbur say in a concerned way. 'why does everyone sound so worried?' I thought to myself anxiously 'did I do something' I thought to myself starting to worry even more. I payed more attention to what Wilbur had said, I turned to look at him his face was full of concern and confusion.

  "I just-" I started to say something but quickly stopped. I mean, what am I supposed to say in this situation? 'hey I ran away because I didn't want to tell you about my feelings and severe anxiety/depression?' yeah, I don't think I will tell him that. I thought to myself for a few minutes on what I should say. "tommy? are you gonna explain?" Wilbur asked I ignored him once more as I got my phone out of my pocket checking the time. 

  '6:00 am?!' I thought "tommy are you even listening-" I cut Wilbur of quickly, as I was now concerned myself but not for myself for my two friends. "why are you two still awake!?" I practically almost yelled questioning them. Tubbo stopped hugging me and looked over at Wilbur, Wilbur returned the worried full look. Tubbo looked back over at me.

  "tommy, you've been acting weird ever sense we, moved in together. you always just stay in your room." Tubbo said with a bit of announce in his voice "Tubbo I-" I was cut of by Tubbo. "no. tommy you'll randomly leave the house all night! I have no idea where you go!" Tubbo was now kind of yelling at me 'shit, I did something wrong. again.' I thought in my head.

"Tubbo. calm down." I heard Wilbur say sternly, Tubbo looked over at Wilbur seeming to about to say something but quickly shutting his mouth at the way Wilbur looked. Wilbur looked over at me once again "tommy, was all that true?" Wilbur asked me. I just stared once again, I didn't want to speak damn I didn't even wanna be in this situation!

  I hesitantly opened my mouth just to close it once again. I looked down at my lap with a nervous and scared look. "yes." I answered finally, I didn't quite understand what all the fuss was about. I know none of this was exactly normal, but that doesn't mean they could ask me all these questions. I'm 18 years old for fucks sake.

  I could hear Wilbur sigh. "where do you go at night?" Wilbur once again asked me a question I wasn't comfortable with, it felt like my personal business was being judged and out casted. "to a café and then I walk around." I answered trying to look anywhere but directly at Wilbur. I saw Tubbo's make a face of surprise. did he think I was doing drugs or something? 

  "wait. is that how you meet Colby?" Wilbur asked me yet again another question. I simply nodded my heads, I was not exactly in the best mood to wanna speak about my life or anything, usually when I get back I immediately go to my room. 

  Wilbur seemed to be thinking now, and honestly if he doesn't speak that's fine with me. Wilbur started to walk back and forth at a fast pace across the room. "Wilbur? Why are you just pacing? " I asked slightly worried and anxious.

  Wilbur stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "So you just go for a stroll? As if it's normal? " Wilbur asked. Is that wrong to do at night? I'm really confused about this. It can't be that weird. "uh, yeah? there's plenty of other people I meet that do the same" I responded trying to make it sound normal. "yeah, people often walk at night" Wilbur responded surprising me. 

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