Chapter 6 (Who Are You?)

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*Todoroki Pov(In his bedroom)*

Todoroki was crying a lot while laying down on his bed holding a picture frame of Deku and him on his chest. (The picture above)

"Why did you have to go Izuku."  Todoroki began to cry even more while remembering memories with him. 


Todoroki wiped his tears and answered the phone call.

"Todo are you okay? Why did you leave so early?" Nevaeh said calling Todoroki on the phone.

"I...I...Miss him." Todoroki said beginning to cry again.


"Izu," Todoroki said sadly.

"Ok, I'm coming home." 

Todoroki ended the phone call and fell asleep.

A few minutes later

"Todo I'm home." You run upstairs to Todo's room and see him asleep while he was in his uniform.

You didn't want to do it but you wanted Todo to become comfortable so you took his bag and put it in the corner. You got a hoodie of Todo's and made him wear it. 

"Ok, this is really weird." You said while talking his uniform out.

You later went downstairs and made him dinner to make him feel better. After you made dinner you wake Todoroki up while holding his favourite, cold soba. 

"Todo I got your favourite food so wake up," Nevaeh said putting the food on the side table and waking him up.

"Baby you didn't have to." Nevaeh blushed at what he said.

Todoroki ate his cold soba while Nevaeh was changing into her Pajamas. 

"Ok let's go watch TV and then we can head to bed after okay."

"K" Todoroki said carrying his plate to the kitchen.

At the same time, Nevaeh wanted Todo to feel better and forget about Deku because it's been years since he is gone so for how long will he get over him. I mean he is but when will he stop thinking about him?

"Let's watch a scary movie," Nevaeh said.

"umm, you sureee." Todoroki is actually sacred of horror movies so he didn't want to watch it but didn't want to say no to the cute face of Nevaeh's.

A Jumpscare Later


While screaming Todoroki snuggled into Nevaeh's chest. Nevaeh started to blush.

"Haha, are you scared?" Nevaeh said teasingly. 

"Uh no I'm really brave it's just... fine I'm scared." 

"Ok let's go to bed what time is it. Oh, shoot it's 10:30 let's go to bed okay." Nevaeh said yawning

Todoroki and Nevaeh cuddled while going to bed.

A Few Years Later

It was a normal morning at school today. Surprisingly no sign of Karma either.

Todoroki was playing and teasing Nevaeh.

"Catch me if you can," Nevaeh said taking his bag away from him.

"Hey get back here young lady," Todoroki said back.

"Or what?" Nevaeh said teasing him even more while running away looking back at him.

"Then um...I'll give you a punishment," Todoroki says smirking.

Todoroki was too busy running after Nevaeh until he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so.." Todoroki stopped talking right after he looked at the person.

"Izuku. Is that you?"


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