(6) Die For Her

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They were only held in the cell's over night but Nyx and the rest of the crew grew restless quickly, especially Mr

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They were only held in the cell's over night but Nyx and the rest of the crew grew restless quickly, especially Mr. Gibbs who was squashed in with around ten other men, with not even enough space to sit down. Nyx and Will's cell was a lot smaller, but it was still spacious as it was only the two of them inside.

They had barely spoke since they were put in there, she didn't even move from her spot in the corner. She could hear the other crew members whispering, but unable to make out what they were saying. Two of Barbosa's men had been told to go down to the cell's to mop the floors, Will took advantage of that. He asked them about his father, and they told him everything.

The medallion they were looking for during the ship battle was vital for Barbosa. He had to find it and that's why they needed Will, they needed his blood. There was 882 identical pieces of Aztec gold that they needed, after they were cursed, the crew of the Black Pearl led a desperate search for all the scattered pieces of the gold so they could reverse it. Will's medallion was the last one they needed.

Barbosa came down to the cell's and ordered to let Will out, forcing Nyx to stand at the opposite side so she didn't try anything. They had two men to come in and grab Will by the arms and followed Barbosa up to the deck, not before shutting the cell door again. By then the other men who were moping the floors had finished and left as well behind them, leaning the mops and bucket against a wall. One of them gave Nyx a wink before he left, which made her uncomfortable.

A couple minutes passed and Mr Gibbs looked at Nyx defeated, he knew Barbosa was going to murder Will, but Nyx had noticed something that nobody else had - not even Mr Gibbs. So when she told him, he stood in shock and flung his hand over his mouth to stop him from making any noise. They forgot to lock the cell after taking Will.

After trying her hardest to whisper what her plan was, Mr Gibbs begged her not to leave, but she didn't listen. He knew that if she was caught, then god knows what would happen to her. Would a simple death be enough for Barbosa? Or will he torment her until she cant take it any longer and take her own life? They didn't want to find out either way. Nyx pushed on the cell door ever so slightly, it opened slowly but still creaked. Luckily not enough to alert anyone.

Before she went to the stairs, she walked over to Mr Gibbs to say goodbye - just in case anything happened to her. Instead of just trying to get home, she wanted to help Will. they had grown pretty close the last few days and their near death experience put him in a new light for her. Was it an attraction towards him or just respect? She wasn't sure, but she had no time to sit and think about what Will meant to her. She had to save him.

She walked onto the deck slowly and looked around for anyone, she saw nobody. It was strange that nobody was around, she assumed she would of had to of fought off a few people, but not nobody. Still, she crept around slowly just in case and went to the edge of the ship - diving into the water and swimming towards the cave. She wondered why they had brought them back here, maybe it had to do with the curse, maybe the rest of the medallion pieces were inside. All she saw in there from last time was the water, she never got the chance to follow the path Jack and Will went down so she didn't know what to expect.

By the time she had reached the entrance to the cave and pulled herself up on some rocks, she was exhausted, her clothes and hair were completely soaked, but this didn't stop her from running to where they took Will. She jumped from rock to rock, trying not to slip and was successful. She came across the boats they had used to get there and she slowly walked down the path, hoping and praying she wouldn't get caught.

She hid behind a boulder and looked over it. All of Barbosa's crew were standing in front of a mound of gold, on top of the mound was Will, two men holding him down and Barbosa with a knife at his throat. "Will." she breathed out, a tear forming in her eye. She didn't want to watch, she couldn't watch. She turned her back on the boulder and buried her head in her hands - waiting for the sound of his limp body hitting the floor. But it never came, instead she heard someone speak, someone very familiar. Jack?

She spinned around quickly and looked over the boulder again, Will still in the same position as before, however Jack stood in front of them. "Where's Elizabeth?!" Will asked, trying to shuffle out of the men's grip but failed.

"She's safe, just like I promised." Elizabeth was safe, that's good, right? Nyx wasn't sure how to feel about this news, she had just realised she had some kind of connection with Will and turns out that the woman he loves was still alive. "She's all set to marry Norrington, like she promised." Nyx was relieved, Elizabeth didn't have the same feelings Will had for her. But then she started feeling guilty all of a sudden, the pain on Will's face after hearing this news broke Nyx's heart, and she was happy about it. "And you get to die for her, just like you promised." Nyx had a different kind of heart break when she heard that, he really fell hard for Elizabeth, enough that he would die for her. She never had anyone feel that way towards her. She was tempted to just leave since this is what he wanted, he was okay to die for Elizabeth, so why was she trying to save him just for him to run after another woman that didn't want him?

Nyx sighed and pushed away from the boulder and began descending down the path, she wasn't sure what she was going to do when she got out. Maybe take a rowing boat or steal the Black Pearl and help her crew get home safely. She would decide when she cleared her head. She was almost back to where the boats were when she heard Jack's words echo through the whole cave. "You don't want to be doing that.'' Was Jack going to save Will? Nyx hurried back to her spot where she could see Barbosa hesitating with the knife against will's throat.

"Why don't I want to be doing it?"

"The royal navy..." Jack started, walking up the mound of gold and treasure to beside Barbosa "...are waiting just off shore for you." Nyx froze, were they really? Barbosa had taking the knife away from Will and he stood up straight and watched Jack and Barbosa talk. Jack tried to persuade Barbosa into not killing Will, at least not yet. He gave promised him with the title 'commodore', two ships and even ten percent of Jack's treasure. It was an offer that was hard to refuse.

"We have a deal"


A.N ahh I really like this chapter and I hope you did too. Please vote and comment:)))

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