(4) Fire!

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Fog rolled over the sea as they reached their destination

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Fog rolled over the sea as they reached their destination. Jagged rocks were scattered everywhere, making the entrance of the cave they wanted to enter near impossible. what made it worse, it was covered with shipwrecks too, Nyx was scared this ship would soon be included.

"Let go of the anchor!" Jack shouted as they came close enough without the bottom of the ship scraping against sunken ships or pointed boulders. "Nyx, Mr Turner and I are to go ashore." He said while Mr Gibbs helped bring the rowing boat they were going to use into the sea. 

Nyx stood up, confused. "Why me?" she asked. She had no part in the whole Elizabeth mess, so why was Jack dragging her along into the dangerous cave with him and Will?

"You want this ship or not?" Jack grew annoyed and just wanted things to be the way he wanted it, and no other way and if that was having Nyx with them, then it was going to happen. Nyx knew to drop it and just to follow his orders.

Nyx walked up to Will who watched Jack from afar. "So Elizabeth is in there?" she asked, mentioning towards the massive cave entrance in front of them, the one they were soon going to be inside. Will nodded. Nyx could see the worry on his face. "What I said last night... I was only trying to scare you. Elizabeth is going to be fine." she gave him a weak smile and started to climb onto the boat that was finally ready. It was true, Nyx only wanted to scare the Blacksmith into thinking she wouldn't be alive when they reached her. Part of her felt bad for saying it, but the rest of her didn't care - but she was also helping him in a way. 'don't get your hopes up' was a good phrase to live by, especially if you're a pirate. 

The small rowing boat moved slowly as it was only Jack who had the oars, Will (who sat beside Nyx) held the torch which became useful once they had reached the cave as it was the only light they had. the further they got from the entrance and after all the twists and turns, it would have been pitch black. The boat was rickety and felt like it was about to sink any moment, but it wasn't much of a problem as the water below them was only a couple feet deep. The boat was very small, so Nyx had to squeeze in between Jack and Will. Will didn't mind, he kept to his job of holding the torch and helping Jack from bumping into rocks. However, Jack would smirk and wink at her every so often as he could see how uncomfortable she was sat next to him.

They stopped the boat by pushing it onto a small, sandy rock and the three of them got out. Will gave her the rope with a smile on his face (that he couldn't contain from the thought of rescuing Elizabeth) and caught up with Jack, who had already started to make his way down the path behind the rocks. Their plan was that Jack and Will were going to rescue Elizabeth and Nyx kept guard of the boat for a quick escape in case anything went wrong - which was more likely than not.

The boys disappeared and their voices grew distant and turned from an echo into complete silence. All she heard was the sound of the back of the boat bobbing up and down in the shallow waves.

Only a few moments had passed and she could hear footsteps coming quickly where Jack and Will had just come from. She drew her sword just in case but a smile appeared on her face when she saw Will's familiar face come out from behind the rock, but Jack wasn't behind him. Instead a woman which Nyx assumed was Elizabeth. "Where's jack?" Nyx asked Will who quickly took the rope back and helped Elizabeth onto the boat.

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