(2) Bad Luck

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There was a bar near where they had rooms to sleep, Nyx went there without Jack and Will as they wandered the town looking for a man that Jack called Mr Gibbs

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There was a bar near where they had rooms to sleep, Nyx went there without Jack and Will as they wandered the town looking for a man that Jack called Mr Gibbs. Nyx didn't particularly care what Will and Jack were up to but she was surprised when the three men came into the bar only a few minutes after she had, she had assumed they would take a lot longer. Jack found a table where he and Mr Gibbs sat at, (for some reason he was soaking wet) and Will leaned against a wall trying to listen to their conversation. Nyx spotted Will from the bar and headed over to him, trying her hardest not to trip over the men who had fallen asleep on the floor or slip on the drink that had been spilled everywhere. She had a smile on her face as she give Will one of the two mugs she held, both almost overflowing. He was reluctant at first, but after Nyx managed to convince him by telling him to 'loosen up a bit' he took a swig. "You shouldn't have bought this for me." Will told her as he started to regret ignoring her on the ship, only a few hours ago.

"Not my money." she winked, holding up a small money bag that still had a few coins inside. Will looked less than impressed, still not understanding why pirates love to steal and drink. "Stealing money and getting free drinks is my specialty." she said as Will chuckled, taking another big sip from his cup. As Nyx opened her mouth to speak, a woman pushed her out the way to get to Will, causing her to spill most of her drink down her. At first she looked down at herself to see how bad it was, then she got extremely angry when she saw that all the liquid from her cup was now running down her chest, arms and legs. She grabbed the woman by the shoulder and forced her to spin around "Excuse me!?" Nyx went to swing her fist at her but she looked at Will, who looked uncomfortable already and a huge fight breaking out would make the situation worse so she managed to stop herself.

"S-sorry." she burped out. "Didn't realise he was your property." she tried to stumble away from them but kept tripping over her own feet. clearly the woman was confused as she thought she was angry at her for trying to touch Will, but she couldn't care less if she wanted Will or not. Her drunken eyes couldn't comprehend that there was liquid dripping from her top and kept walking away and made her way towards a group of pirates who called her over.

"He's not my property. You spilled my drink." The woman just tutted and started drooling over the men who formed a circle around her. Nyx looked down at her legs which were now covered in alcohol and groaned. "You've got to be kidding me." She only had leather shorts and a leather top on, which were both covered with the drink. Will tried to help by rubbing her arms with his sleeves but it didn't do anything so she went to the room she paid for, got a bucket of water to wash herself then soaked her clothes - placing them by the window after while she slept so they'd dry by morning.

Her shorts were still slightly damp when she put them on when she woke. It was still early when she walked down to the harbour where her new ship was docked, she was excited to travel on her own again. She grew confused when she saw around ten men standing in a line with Jack and Will talking to them. "This is your crew?" she heard Will from afar, who didn't look too impressed with the type of people Gibbs had collected.

Nyx walked angrily towards them and interrupted Jack, who was talking to a parrot, it squawked in response. "What is going on here?" she asked. Everyone turned to look at her, Jack was surprised to see her. He pretended to hide behind Will but he just stepped out of the way, exposing Jack again. "Were you planning on leaving me here!?" she shouted, Jack pulled a face - trying to think of a good excuse but came up with nothing.

"...no?" Jack wasn't confident in his answer which told Nyx that she was right. He admitted that he got up early so he could get the crew and take the ship before she woke up. In fact, he had planned this from the beginning, he was never going to leave the ship for her to take in the morning, not when he already had a perfectly good one already - all that stood in his way was Nyx. she was glad when she realised the woman who knocked her drink was the reason she's up this early. If she got drunk and stayed up all night like she planned, she would have woken up later in the afternoon without a ship.

"You selfish...'' She didn't finish her insult as she started hitting him over and over, Jack tried to block but didn't do a good job defending his face and ended up forming a red mark on his neck. Everyone stood and watched, although they didn't know Jack too well (except Will and Mr Gibbs) they didn't want to get in her way - they were scared they were going to be hit next.

The crew began walking on board and Nyx followed, Jack stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder to spin her around to face him, Will and Mr Gibbs. "It's frightful bad luck to have a woman on board." Mr Gibbs said, not wanting to directly ask her to leave because of superstition.

Jack looked at Nyx for a few seconds before he said, "it would be far worse not to have her." before leaving them and walking on board. Mr Gibbs sighed and followed behind him, leaving Nyx and Will confused what the point of that conversation was if they were just going to let her board anyway. But Jack was right, if he knew anything, it was that Nyx was good at revenge.

"You knew about this plan of his?" Nyx asked Will. After the very brief conversation they had the night before, she thought that Will was considerate and didn't want to follow the rules of pirates. the fact he wasn't impressed with Nyx stealing money and he was hesitant on drinking, she thought he was a decent man.

Will's eyes widened before he frantically denied it. "No, honestly. I had no idea" he looked sincere and Nyx believed him. She let him know that she trusted his reply and dropped it, climbing aboard as well


A.N second chapter is now complete, I hope you enjoyed it. Again, I will update this book frequently but don't forget to put this book in your library so you can get updates. Question of the day: who's your favourite pirates of the Caribbean character, that isn't Will? Also I LOVE that gif of Will

remember, my messages are always open to anyone who wants to send me a message:)

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