Chapter 25

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Keeping it short and sweet today, folks! :)

Bellatrix stopped her spell on Neville and looked up at her, and Victoria blocked her careless curse as she stormed down the steps. "Well, well, well," said Bellatrix. "Look who's come to join the fun."

"That's enough of this," she said, blocking yet another half-hearted curse. "Give me that prophecy, Harry. Now."

Harry, though frowning, placed it in her hand. It was warm and heavy. She glanced round at everyone, before looking back at Harry. He frowned further, seeing that she had a plan. "If I die," she said quietly. "Feel free to use me as a shield."

"What?" said Harry, just as quietly, though no doubt the Death Eaters could hear their every word.

"Duck," she said simply.

"What?" Harry repeated. But it seemed he'd heard, because when Victoria launched the prophecy over his head, he dropped to the floor.

It smashed. Victoria flicked her wand and let out a series of loud bangs as she deflected the spells fired her way, shielding Harry as she did. Nobody would be hearing that damn prophecy today.

Just when Victoria thought all hope was lost, when she was certain she couldn't block another spell, a door slammed open above her, and in ran a group of five. One she recognised from Hogwarts, one was Professor Lupin, one Sirius Black, and finally two wizards she'd never seen before.

The five of them began raining spells down upon the Death Eaters, and Victoria threw Harry aside with a flick of her wand. He landed, looking disgruntled, but rushed over to Neville all the same. Victoria picked up a fight with some Death Eater, only blocking and not even attempting to fire a spell unless she was sure she could.

"Victoria!" came a shout from Lupin a few feet away from her. In one last bout of energy she sent the Death Eater soaring temporarily away, ducking to avoid the blasting jinx that he'd aimed at her head. She beamed at the professor who still remembered her from two years ago. "Harry and Neville!" he ordered, eyes wide with urgency.

She nodded and rushed over to the pair of them, blocking jinxes and firing the odd hex as she ushered them along and away, out of harm's way.

A Death Eater, the one that had hurt Hermione, lunged forward, skimming Neville's arm with a jinx that made him tap dance. While Victoria was attempting to perform its counter-curse, he slashed at Harry, who held up with a strong shield charm.

Sirius Black barrelled out of nowhere into Dolohov's side, and Victoria pushed Harry and Neville roughly towards the stone steps, firing a hex down at the duel. "Impedimenta!" she cried eventually, and Dolohov flew away, landing with a crack on stone.

Black turned around to look at her, goggling relentlessly. "Just like your mother," he said proudly. Her mother? "You look like her too."

He was talking about Marlene McKinnon.

The world seemed to spin a little slower, and for a moment Victoria forgot she was in battle as a million questions clouded her mind.

A curse flew across the dias and Black launched back into another duel, fighting Bellatrix. Victoria started, turning back to see Neville and Harry halfway up the stairs, trying desperately to block the curses being rained down on them. "Dumbledore!" cried Neville once they were near the top. Indeed, there he was. Victoria's chest filled with relief.

"Go, quickly," she ordered. "Help the others." They nodded and rushed through to the top room. Victoria turned and sprinted down the steps once more, flicking her wand in the direction of the curses that flew her way.

She engaged in a duel with some Death Eater, with Lupin fighting from his other side, weakening him far more than she could. Sirius was still fighting Bellatrix, and once or twice she had to dodge one of their stray hexes.

Lupin took down their Death Eater, sending her a small smile, and Victoria turned round.

Just in time to see the flash of red hit Sirius Black squarely in the chest. "No!" She still needed to ask him about her mother! She darted forward and pushed him away from where he'd almost fallen through the curtain in the centre of the room.

He fell to the stone, stirring a little from the stunning spell, before grinning at her and nodding his thanks.

"TRAITOR!" roared Bellatrix Lestrange from where she stood.

Victoria turned, plunging her hand deep into her pocket.


The flash of green hit her where she stood.

Victoria made sure to fall away from the curtain. That way there'd be a body to bury.

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