Chapter 21

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Victoria wasn't mad that Fred had left when things were going so well. She wasn't mad that Dumbledore was gone, or that DA had been broken up. She wasn't mad that Slytherin had narrowly scraped a win against Hufflepuff. Victoria McGonagall wasn't even mad that she had her final match against Ravenclaw coming up, and that her body was exhausted every time she had practice.

No. Victoria McGonagall was mad that she couldn't seem to wrap her head around these damned uses of Moonstone, and her exams were coming up in three weeks time. "Will you stop that!" she snapped at a second year behind her, who had spent the last half an hour shouting every time one of his friends lost a chess piece. Several of the seventh years and fifth years around her smiled encouragingly; he'd been getting on everyone's nerves.

"Who put you in charge, bossy-pants?" he retorted, grinning at his friends. The common room went oddly quiet.

Victoria narrowed her eyes. "I beg your pardon?" she asked softly, spreading venom into her words.

"Who do you think you are?" he asked, gaining a tremendous amount of courage, all things considered. "Waltzing through like you own the-"

"Darren!" hissed his friend. "That's Victoria McGonagall."

The boy paled, and she could hear her teammates giggling to themselves behind her. She stood up and wandered over to the chessboard, glancing down at it. "Whose turn?"

"White," responded Darren, his voice wavering.

"Bishop to E-three," she said, and the piece obliged. "There you are," she said warmly, "checkmate. So, it's half past nine; about time you went to bed, don't you think?"

Darren and his friends nodded quickly, before scurrying up the stairs to their dorms. She took a seat at the table by the window, with Angelina, Alicia, and Lee grinning widely at her. "Thank Merlin for that," said Alicia, returning to her transfiguration notes. "They were doing my head in."


"And Davies scores, earning ten points for Ravenclaw!" called Lee, sounding nothing short of mad about it. Victoria scowled at Ron, before sending a bludger in the direction of the Bradley, who now had possession. The bludger collided with the ball, and he dropped it, but Chambers swooped down and caught it before any Gryffindor could.

Katie tore down the pitch after him while Victoria aimed another bludger. He dived down briefly, dodging it and she swore loudly. There was a bludger at the other end of the pitch, but she'd never reach it in time to stop him.

Ron paled as he approached, and Victoria turned away, readying herself for the post-scoring manoeuvres, but there was a great gasp from the crowd. "Wealsey blocks the quaffle! And now Bell's in possession..."

Victoria whirled round, disbelief flashing across her features as Ron grinned and the scarlet-wearing supporters cheered loudly for their team. She swooped down, batting away the bludgers that Ravenclaw rained down on them almost carelessly.

As possession passed to Angelina, Victoria sent a bludger flying at one of the beaters, hitting him in the arm. She watched as it curled back loosely in the air and they flew themselves down to the ground. "Johnson takes aim...AND SHE SCORES! The score's ten-ten!"

Victoria waited patiently as the beater left the pitch to go the the hospital wing, leaving only thirteen players on the pitch.

When the game commenced once more, she managed to hit Davies in the side, but Bradley dived down to get the quaffle he'd dropped. Victoria scowled; clearly her attacks was something they'd planned for.

Bradley passed to Chambers, who took aim again, but by some miracle Ron saved it once more. Victoria cheered with her housemates, before defending Alicia as she zipped down the pitch. Chambers tackled her and got the quaffle, heading to the goalposts once more. Victoria set her teeth in determination, sending an artfully aimed bludger at his broomstick tail.

It bucked and he dropped the quaffle as she pressed herself flat against her broom, tearing to above the Ravenclaw stands and aiming the next bludger. WHACK!

Victoria didn't think she'd ever put so much force into hitting a bludger, and she was certain her palm would bruise. But it would be worth it. As predicted, Bradley dived down to retrieve the dropped quaffle, only to receive a bludger to the head.

Conscious, but bleeding heavily and with support from his captain, he too made it off the pitch. "McGonagall's bludgers are brutal today!" said Lee as the game commenced once more.

Katie scored three times more, and Alicia twice. Angelina got six goals, and Victoria helped by pelting bludgers at the keeper whenever she could. But what astounded her the most, was the eleven goals that Ron saved. It was like Oliver Wood had taken polyjuice potion.

"Wealsey can save anything!" she cried as she hit a bludger at Davis, who dropped the quaffle into Alicia's waiting hands.

"It looks like Weasley's seen the snitch!" came the voice of Lee Jordan. Sure enough, Ginny was tearing high into the sky, with Cho Chang hot on her tail. A simple bludger from Victoria soon ended that, and her teammate's hand clasped the snitch.  "AND GRYFFINDOR WIN! TWO-SEVENTY TO TEN! GRYFFINDOR WIN THE QUIDDITCH CUP!"

It was her mother who brought the towering silver cup out, and Angelina shook her hand, beaming, before accepting it. She threw her arms around Victoria's shoulders, turning to a sobbing Alicia and squeezing her tightly. She only released her when Ron came over, handing him the cup and clapping him hard on the back.

Next came the rest of their fans. Tidal waves of scarlet and gold, a sea of victory that enveloped the quidditch team, chanting, "WEASLEY IS OUR KING!" They clapped her on the back and shook her hand, pushing them all up the path to the castle, where a raging party was sure to occur.

Wisdom and Victory {Fred Weasley}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon