A dab of paint- Adriana

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With the final stroke of my brush, it is done. My magnum opus. It is finally done. I hope the king will be happy with it. He did commission it, after all. As I look out the window from my studio apartment in the most luxurious part of the city, the sun starts to set. The sunsets in summer are so beautiful, the sky painted in golds and corals, with a deep red splashed here and there. The epitome of serenity and calm. Oh, god. It's 6 o'clock. Mother is coming soon. I always dread her visits, she always criticizes every move I make, every hair out of place, every spot of paint on my cheek. I wonder what men she'll suggest to me today. Will it be poor Tom or mopey Toby? Hah, well she'll run out eventually. Breaking away from my train of thought, I run to get dressed properly for her visit. That is another thing she criticizes, how I choose to look. I mean, I quite like my hair cut short, almost a boy's length, and dusty brown in color. But she despises it. I would kill to see the look on her face when she saw my hair for the first time again! She disapproves of my clothes too, she always wanted a daughter who she could dress up like a little doll and force to tea parties in pinks and lace. The total opposite of how I dress. A single knock sounded across my greeting room. She's here. Reluctantly, I open the door for her
"Adriana! Darling, how are you?" She says as she folds me into a big hug, I guess it has been some time since I last saw her.
"I'm fine, mother, how was your trip?"
"Oh, it was lovely, you should've seen the palaces there, so beautiful and grand and..." Ugh, here we go again, this could go on for ages.
Interrupting her, I ask, "Well, that's nice, I've been quite busy myself."
She scans the room with a hint of disapproval. She has never liked that I am an artist, that I choose to paint and create instead of simpering over some fool who I would stop loving in a year or so.
"Well! On my travels, I encountered some lovely young men, all very nice, rich..." Anything but this. Every time she comes around there's always some young man she wants me to marry.
"I found this man who I think you'll like! He's over six foot and a prince! He's very kind and is a reigning champion at horseback riding!" Aha. The usual suspect. Handsome, rich, and boring as all hell.
"Mother, I'm sorry but I just don't want to marry, I've told you this before." And I have! Every single time she found a new guy for me to marry I told her I don't want to marry. Even if I did it'd be for love, not money or power or anything of the sort. She just doesn't get it.
"Sweetie, don't you think it's time..."
"No!" I interrupt "I've told you so many times. I DON'T WANT TO MARRY!"
"No buts, I've made my mind up. I will not marry."
"Fine, but I'm warning you young lady, one day you will wake up alone and wish you had listened to me." She says, leaving.
"I won't because I actually have something to put effort into. Not like you, putting it into foolish men." I say, huffily as the door slams shut
Well, that was a train wreck, but I mean, her visits always end in a screaming match. I don't know why she even bothers. Returning to my station, I wonder, was she right about this? Should I look for love?

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