"I'll take that as a yes," I glanced up from my slacks to see Lansing shaking his head at the court room door.

"You'll be the death of me, child," he whispered before I heard the soft swoosh that meant the door was being cracked open.

Why did I choose the worst day to wear the black slacks? Remnants of climbing through windows and rolling around on the floor still clung to them.

"You're not going back in there right now," Lansing was trying to hide his franticness, and failing miserably.

"What? The longer I'm gone, the more suspicion is raised!" I reminded him, trying to push past him. He grabbed my shoulders steadily, holding me in place.

"Lekia, you can go back in. Just not right now, okay sweetheart?"

"Why not?" I challenged moving towards the door again, my curiosity heightening. Lansing ushered me away from it, his hands still firmly placed on my shoulders.

"You'll just have to trust me on this one, sweetheart."

"I trust you already." If I could just get through those doors then the conversation would end. He couldn't get me out of there without causing a scene, and that was the worst thing to do in a quiet court room. "Do you trust me?"

The question caused him to loosen his grip on my shoulders so that they were simply sitting there.

Moving quickly, I slipped out of his warning and ran into the court room. Well, I didn't run once I stepped through. By that time, I was casually walking down the aisle. I heard the door shut behind me after Lansing had come through.

It was a long walk to the first row, where we had decided to sit in the case of me being called up to the witness stand. I slipped in next to Carly as I got there, Lansing not too far behind.

Carly's eyes widened at the sight of me and leaned back quickly to send a scathing look at Lansing.

"You okay?" she whispered, her gaze softening. I nodded, looking over to Lansing curiously. His shoulders were tense and his jaw set.

"You don't have to watch or listen to this part, okay sweetheart?" he leaned over to whisper. "Actually, I insist that you don't." I nodded slowly, still confused of the warning and gave my full attention to the scene in front of me. The head of the forensic team, Macy, was now sitting on the witness stand. She'd processed most of the crucial evidence in the case.

"...and Ms. Born says that there is no evidence to prove her hypnotism or rape. Is this statement true? Are we relying on the word of a hormone-raged sixteen year old?" Devon asked Macy.

"To Ms. Born's knowledge, there is no evidence to prove either of those things."

"To Ms. Born's knowledge?" Devon asked, his composure faltering for a split second.

"Yes. We did not inform her of this particular piece of evidence and were hoping that she would not have to see this evidence."

"Well, where is this elusive evidence?" Devon smirked. Macy looked into the crowd and found me immediately. Her face turned grim, "It's right here." She clicked a button on the T.V. remote for the television next to the witness stand. A video appeared on the screen; a bed in a darkened room. A half-naked girl was shackled to the bed, which a boy was circling.

Macy paused the video, clicking another button. The screen zoomed in on the girl's face. And my face filled the screen.

He had had cameras on me.

I went stiff in my seat. Aaron's words running through my head again. I just wanted to be the one.

That sick, sadistic...

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