Is this love

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Me and the boys arrive at my house. We go in where I see my mom watching tv as usual. Gosh shes lazy.

"You literally got 3 boys over, isnt she gonna go crazy?" Lucas quietly says

"Hey mom, I got 3 boys over btw so dont mind us!" I yell to my mom as I grin at Lucas

I see my mom look behind her where were standing and then she lets out a sigh and starts staring at the tv again.

"See? She doesnt give a shit" I say

Sometimes my moms attitude drives me crazy. Like at times shes all sweet and whatever, calling me honey but then sometimes she could care less about me and my life. Like you gave birth to me woman, you wanted me in your life, start acting like it or ill drop kick you out of here.

"Damn shes a full on Karen" Thor whispers

"Mhm, what a bitch" I say and let out a little laugh

"Hey thats not very nice, respect your parents!" Lucas says

"Pfff whatever, lets go into my room" I say and guide the boys into my room.

Lucas and Thor go sit together in a huge beanbag chair I got in my room and they start explaining something about the beanbag boys which I could understand one bit about. But im having a hard time focusing anyway because all I can think about is Max. Hes leaning against my desk, he keeps on fixing his silky brown hair and his beautiful eyes are straight up sparkling. Its like everythings in slowmotion. I feel butterflies all over me as Max puts his hands in his pockets and smiles his cute little smile. Then I come back into real world as I see Thor jumping and going crazy in front of me.

"Hello are you there??" Thor yells

I slap myself and start feeling weird. The hell am I thinking. I just met this guy. He literally calls me his mate. Am I crushing on him? No.. No it cant be

"Well that was harsh, you dont have to slap yourelf" Lucas says letting out a small laugh

"Everything okay?" Max asks

"Oh uh yeah, im fine. I think" I say as I look into the ground, still feeling weird over what just happened

"Good, because were taking out Thors beer, drink it and play spin the bottle!" Max says seeming proud of the idea he just came up with

"Fucking finally!" Thor says excited

"I dont really know.. Beers not my thing actually." Lucas says worried

"What if.. What if we'll die" Lucas continues

"Dont be stupid Lucas, we'll be fine" Says Max ending it with a sigh

We open the beer Thor got. We get in a little fight deciding whos gonna drink the first sip as we dont wanna admit how neither one of us actually wants to drink it. Well thats atleast what I think. Thor ends up taking the first sip as he yells how hes not a sippycup anymore all excited. We all laugh at him as we take our own sips. Each one of us ends up just taking one sip and the rest we quietly sneak out to pour down the kitchen sink so we dont get sick or drunk. We play spin the bottle for a good 30 minutes filled with truth and dare questions. I can barely focus because of earlier and the weird feeling still inside of me. And everytime I look at Max I feel my heart start beating faster. His laugh, eyes, hair.. Oh how much I wanna touch that silky hair of his.

In love with the trashmouth (Max Newman) Where stories live. Discover now