Chapter 5 Returning to Azur Lane

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Y/N P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I really slept for so long. I kinda thought of probably asking them this one question.

Y/N:"I need to ask you one important question."

Bismarck:"Shoot it."

Y/N:"Do you remember serving Azur Lane?"

Unicorn:"What do you mean by serving Azur Lane. We never served Azur Lane."

Y/N:"Unicorn, you are wrong. You and I belong to Azur Lane." *looks at Bismarck and Zeppy* "You two joined Azur Lane and left Crimson Axis." *looks at them all* "So please, remember this. I know that you can remember this."

I looked at them with hope until they really tried to remember how they really were and tried to remember their time with Azur Lane. I saw how they fell on the ground. I quickly went to them and hugged them in comfort. After a moment, they looked at me with teary eyes.

Unicorn:"Y/N, we finally remembered everything."

Zeppy:"We are really sorry that we forgot about this."

Y/N:"Shh, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry. Our goal is now to get out of here."

When I said this, I kinda felt bad for Observer. Maybe I could convince her to join Azur Lane. Right in the moment, I heard how someone opened the door. I turned my gead to the person and saw that it was her.

Observer:"What's happening?"

Y/N:"How can we explain this?" *sighs* "Can you please not to tell this anyone?"

Observer:"I promise it."

Y/N:*sighs again* "It's just that we all remembered about our time back in Azur Lane."

Observer:"Wait, what? How?"

Y/N:"I don't know. I also wanna ask you something."

Observer:"What is it?"

Y/N:"I wanted to ask you if you wanna join us."

Observer:"Wait, you mean that I join Azur Lane? Don't think that this would be risky?"

Y/N:"I know but Azur Lane trust me. I will tell them that you are fighting for our side. You are also under my protection."

Observer:"I don't know. This is really risky."

Y/N:"Please, I am begging you. If something will happen, I will take the full responsibility for that."

Observer:"I see. You still wanna convince me joining Azur Lane." *sighs* "Fine, you win."

Y/N:"Thank you very much. I promise that you won't regret it."

I was happy that I could convince her joining our side. I quickly told them that we will escape during a patrol mission. The only problem is that I have to convince the Empress to let us go in that escape patrol. I heard how I was called by the Empress herself. So I went to the throne room and kneeled one knee in front of her. 

Arbiter:"I am sending you on a mission. You can also decide who will help you."

Y/N:"What kind of mission?"

Arbiter:"This will be the final blow for Azur Lane."

Y/N:"I understand. For the mission, I wanna that Zeppy, Unicorn, Bismarck and Observer Alpha acompany me on the mission."

Arbiter:"This will be granted. Now, execute the order."

Y/N:"Yes, my empress."

I got up and headed to my room. There I saw that they were still there. When I entered my room, they turned their heads to me.

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