Chapter 2

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But Apollo stopped midsentence upon hearing his teachers radio, What did it just say?

Some murder near The Dam Square. Mr. Frank said before Apollo quickly gathered his things and bolted for the door, Apollo, where are young going!?

My grandfather lives in that area! Apollo exclaimed before running out of the school grounds and towards his grandfathers home, silently hoping that he was alright.

Weaving through the streets and a few shortcuts he finally made it to his grandfathers home, only to see the front door broken and barely on its hinges.

Opa! Apollo exclaimed running to inside the house, only to see his grandfathers lifeless body in the living room.

He left his heart shatter into a million pieces. His beloved grandfather, the only person he considered family after everything thats happened to him, was laying lifeless on his own living room floor, clothes drenched in his own blood. Apollo couldnt help but let the tears break free from his eyes as he kneeled down beside his grandfather, his mentor, his best friend.

He stayed in that position before he heard sirens. Standing up quickly he ran to his grandfathers study, took his guitar and slung it over his shoulders before leaving through the back patio. Once he was far enough, he let out a sigh of relief before walking to the secret garden he and his grandfather had found ten years ago. Sighing as he entered the garden, he laid his guitar safely inside the small makeshift house he and his grandfather had built along with his bag before walking to the nearby Ash Tree and laid down with the Snowdrops swaying peacefully in the breeze. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath as fresh tears started to fill his eyes.

Why did you have to leave, Opa? He thought, laying on his side before pulling out his phone and asking Mr. Frank if he could cover for him.

Alright, Ive just seen the news. Mr. Frank texted, Im sorry for your lost, Apollo. I know how close you and your grandfather were.

After sending a quick Thank you he looked at the sky, watching the birds and clouds before taking a deep breath. He stayed there for a couple of hours, mentally thanking Orion that he had packed him lunch before the sun started to set. Taking a deep breath, he locked the house after he had given his guitar a sad look before shouldering his bag and started to make his way back home with the air of someone who would rather stay in his room than to interact with any form of living creature.

Apollo, youre back. Orion said standing up as he saw his step-son enter the household.

Can I go to my room? Apollo asked, wanting to hide away from the world for a while.

Alright, just make sure Adeline doesnt find out that you skipped school only to find the grandfather that you shouldve never even met dead. Orion said making Apollo stop dead in his tracks.

Y-you knew!? Apollo asked stuttering.

Ive always known Apollo. Orion said smiling, Ive seen what Adeline does to you when youre alone together and Im sorry I didnt do anything sooner.

Before Apollo could react, his body was already hugging his stepfather.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Apollo whispered, tears in the corner of his eyes again.

Just dont tell your mother, alright? Orion said as they separated, So why dont you skip school to clear your head for a bit?

Apollo gave a shaky smile as he wiped away the tears before nodding and going to his room, feeling a bit happier than he felt a few minutes ago.

Thank you, Orion. Apollo said smiling as he sat on the floor of his room.

The next day Apollo went to school to tell the principal that hed be gone for a few days. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door to the principals office before a gentle Come in answered.

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