Chapter 1

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All his life, he's only been told one thing, "Just give up," whether it's from his mother at home or the Basketball team from his school, it was always that same three words. He grew up knowing that one day his life would change... He just didn't know how soon it would be. His name is Apollo Zhen, an average high schooler living in the Netherlands who would in a few days time save a world that was supposed to be kept hidden.

Apollo time to get up! His mother exclaimed waking the young seventeen-year-old up from his slumber.

Apollo was quite the attractive teenager. Short black hair, breath taking grey eyes, and a smile that could even make the angels green with envy, but despite all that he was also kind, loyal, brave and ready to help however he can, one can only doubt that his life wasnt perfect even though it was.

His parents had gotten a divorce when he was only four all because his father chose to travel around the world because of his music carrier. After that day his mother had banned any music from their house and forbid Apollo from listening to music, but little did she know that Apollo had been sneaking off late into the night to practice his guitar at his grandfathers house who his mother hadnt let him see since he as well as Apollo was a music lover, though things werent better at school then it was at home. Since he had difficulty fitting in with the other teenagers from school. Its not that he didnt try making friends, though he supposed that the people from music club werent much interested of him as was the rest of his family.

Sighing he got out of bed and got ready for the day. Putting on his dark grey hoodie over his blue shirt, he straightened out his black ripped jeans, and put his blue sneakers on before going downstairs where he was greeted by his mother Adaline and his stepfather Orion.

Morning Dear. Adaline said smiling before Apollo grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and picked up his phone from the charging station.

Uh-huh. Apollo said nodding as he took a bite of his apple, clearly uninterested.

Do you have any plans today? Orion asked.

Apollos eyes widened, knowing that if he revealed that he had plans to go to the Music Club to practice his guitar, his mother would make visiting his grandfather or the music club rather difficult. He could still remember the last time she had caught him playing music, the long nights he stayed in his room with little food or water until his mother allowed him out again.

No. He said quietly seeing the threatening look his mother was giving him.

Alright then Dear, best get to school now. Adaline said giving a falsely sweet smile that gave Apollo goose bumps.

Apollo nodded before grabbing his bag from the floor and running out, trying his best not to run to fast to cause suspicion from his parents. Looking down he started to reminisce how his mother used to treat him when he was younger, she was nicer that much was certain and whatever Apollo chose he could always depend on her to support him in every and any way that she could now however she only spoke kindly to him when in front of his stepfather or out in public no one but his grandfather knew what was happening when the two would be alone. His mother would beat him, blame him that his father wasnt with them anymore despite knowing that the boy never did anything that would get his father to leave before throwing him across the room where he would lie unconscious for a few moments before getting up and cleaning his many wounds. Apollo took a deep breath before looking around and taking out his earphones and mp3 player before he continued walking to school with an enchanting smile clear on his face and a pep in his step.

The Guardian of Music: The BeginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang