Chapter 27: Finally Leaving St. Mungos

Start from the beginning

Then as if on cue, the door flew open and Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione walked in, holding theirs and Rose's suitcase. There was no sign of Rose, though.

"Are you guy ready to leave this sterile nightmare?" Uncle Ron asked, clearly relieved to finally be leaving this place after over a year. He wasn't a fan of hospitals.

"We've been ready," Hugo muttered, making everyone chuckle. Everyone was more than ready to leave.

It was a huge relief to pass through the St. Mungos lobby doors and Apparate to the Burrow.

* *

Rose had been at the Burrow for a few hours, telling her parents she'd rather just Floo home than wait to Apparate with Albus and his family. All she wanted to do was sleep. Well, she really wanted to be out searching for Scorpius, but when she asked Grandma Weasley if she could go out, she strictly forbid it. So, Rose was stuck at the Burrow, and when her parents and Albus's family returned there would be a party happening that she knew she would not enjoy. It was a bit selfish of her, since the party is partly for her.

But Rose didn't see the point of celebrating when she couldn't celebrate with her beloved. She knew she was acting a bit dramatic, but she was a fifteen year old witch. Her life was kind of supposed to be dramatic.

She wanted to talk to Holly and have a "girl-to-girl" talk, but she was still at St. Mungos having tests run on her. Apparently they wanted to make 100% sure her cancer was gone and she didn't have any other problems. Hopefully, she would be out of the hospital soon. Holly told Rose that her grandfather, Xenophilius Lovegood, would check her out of St. Mungos and care for her if she wasn't quite ready to go back to Hogwarts.

Suddenly Rose heard the familiar sound downstairs of someone Apparating. Then she heard Grandma Weasley squeal and say, "Welcome home, Albus! Let your grandma come give you a kiss!" Rose even chuckled for the first time in a while when she heard Albus yell, "Yuck!"

Rose really didn't want her parents, Albus, or anyone come upstairs to her bedroom and see her, asking if she was alright. Did she look alright? Rose glanced in the mirror to see for herself. Considering that she had mascara stains on her cheeks from crying and dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, she didn't look that great. Rose felt and probably looked like a train ran over her.

Of course, there was a small knock on her door. She wasn't the least bit surprised. Jeez, why was her family so caring?

"If you're Mum, Dad, Albus, an aunt or uncle, Grandma or Grandpa, or any cousin of mine, go away!" Rose yelled at the door, hoping whoever was behind it would go away.

The door automatically flew open, revealing her brother Hugo, who was holding a bowl of something. Rose glared at him.

"Before you say get out," Hugo began, holding his hand up.

"Get out," Rose said coldly.

"Let me finish!" Hugo said, holding his hand up again in surrender. "I mean, you did say 'If you're Mum, Dad, Albus, an aunt or uncle, Grandma or Grandpa, or any cousin of mine, go away.' You didn't say anything about your brother, you know."

Rose squinted her eyes even more at her younger brother. Mostly because he managed to find a way to outsmart her. "Okay, you got me there. What do you want?"

Hugo smirked and held out the bowl he was holding out to her. "I figured this would make you feel better since you've been down lately."

Rose suspiciously grabbed the bowl, which happened to be cold. Inside the bowl was three scoops of butterbeer ice cream, her favorite dessert. Rose didn't know why, but she started crying. Merlin, she was such a girl.

"What did I do?" Hugo asked, panicking at his sister's sudden tears.

Rose laughed. Then she quickly wrapped her arms around her brother, squeezing him in a tight embrace. Hugo yelped, but relaxed when he realized that Rose was not strangling him.

"You're an amazing brother," Rose said, rubbing her brothers fuzzy red hair.

"Um, thanks?" Hugo replied, wriggling out of Rose's grasp. Then he made his way to the door, adding just before he left. "Mum made me bring you the ice cream, by the way. And she said to please join us for the party in an hour, if you're feeling like it."

After Hugo left, Rose began eating the butterbeer ice cream, savoring its taste. She thought long and hard about her mother's offer. Rose could either sit there and sulk in her bedroom all night, watching wizard reality shows on Grandpa Weasley's television, or she could clean herself up and go downstairs to have fun with her family. After all, this was partly her party.

Rose also realized that she needs to stop feeling guilty, because what happened to Scorpius a few days ago was not her fault. Surely, he was just finding some time to be alone and think things through.

~ ~ ~

I hope that was alright. Don't worry, this story will get better once they all get settled back at Hogwarts :)

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