Ring Ring Ring

It's eleven o'clock, I just have to wait until Miss Bustier's class is over and then it's lunch. Once again I take my normal seat on the second row, but for the third year in a row Chloe makes a fuss about me sitting in 'her seat.' I think about what could happen if I stay seated or I move, but I have no time to think before I'm being forced out of the seat by none other than Chloe herself. With Chloe and Sabrina now sitting in me and Alya's seats we have no choice but to move. Since Lila joined our class two years ago we have had an odd number of people in our class, meaning someone sits alone. With Lila's fake diseases she sits in the front next to Adrien, Juleka and Rose, Kim and Max, Ivan and Mylene, Alya and Nino, Nathaniel and Alix, and then there is me, by myself in the back. Here's to a whole year of loneliness, yay. We get roll calls done and I manage not to zone out, but once the lesson starts my brain is scattered. I'm blindly taking notes not paying attention, all I can think about is blue, and the hint of green lingering in the back of my mind. His eyes are captivating, I feel as if I am lost in a sea when I look into them. His hand in my hand as he helped me up off the ground, the tremors that shook my body at the contact. It was like fire licked my entire body and it was hot. The room was hot, his hand was burning but a cold burn that made my insides do a flip. I felt like my blood was frozen but boiling, my skin was peeling off my body, and my clothes were thrown about as he mentally undressed me with his stare. He was shocking like an electric current that passed through me as we touched, it jolted my senses and made me feel alive. My core felt white hot with the sparks that ignited me. The boy in blue awakened something inside of me, it felt as if I let something go or perhaps someone. The green eyed boy was nearly a memory in the back of my mind, gone were the thoughts from this morning. They were now forgotten or have simply moved to a different level. He is no longer taking over my thoughts, no longer claiming my senses. Freedom, is this what it feels like to have a weight lifted off your shoulders and no longer feel that tie towards someone who will never reciprocate. If so, I want this feeling forever, I can live now. Shit,the notes, the class. I jump out of my head and focus on what's in front of me, but it's not a lesson, it's green eyes. Staring at me like I'm lost and they are trying to find me. "Adrien, you scared me," I jumped away startled by the closeness. "S-sorry Marinette, are you okay? You ran out of gym and didn't look too well. I came to find you but Alya told me that you would be fine, and just now you seemed lost or like out of it." Adrien said with a worried expression painted across his face. "Of course I'm alright, I just got lost in my head and had a panic attack earlier but Luka helped me. Just now I was once again lost in my head, sometimes I just go in there to hide out and think about things." I say honestly, but the expression that crosses his face as I mention Luka is puzzling. He snaps out of it and says it's time for lunch, then rushes off with a hasty goodbye. I'm left there wondering how long I was trapped in my thoughts, but then am interrupted by the sound of my growling stomach. Time for lunch I guess. As I make my way to the courtyard for lunch I notice Luka sitting by himself and then there is Alya waving me over to her, Nino, and Adrien. I can't help but want to sit with the boy in blue, he looks like he could use some company. Compromise, I rush over to Alya's table and ask her to come sit with Luka and I. She immediately agrees and gathers our friends. We make our way over to Luka and I ask him if we can sit and have lunch together. He says yes with a smile on his face and we all eat together in peace. We chatted about the first day and how I embarrassed myself by running into him. It's nice to sit with friends again, but something gets me thinking. Why am I not stuttering while talking to Adrien? Have I finally gained the confidence to speak to him with being a total mess? Am I comfortable around him now that I've stopped becoming a blubbering mess in his presence? Or have I simply just accepted the fact that it wont work and I am getting over him? Once again trapped in my thoughts I forget my surroundings. Then a snap, I look up to see everyones eyes on me, green, brown, and Luka's captivating blue ones. I feel as if I could stare at them forever and I do until another annoying snap. But this time it comes from Adrien instead of Alya. "S-sorry guys I'm a little out of it today, didnt get alot of sleep." I say as a quick cover story. I know why I'm acting like this and it's the fact that I met a certain blue-haired boy today, and he decided to take my breath away. "I'm just gonna head to the bathroom real quick before class. I'll see you in there. B-bye." Once in the bathroom I contemplate what is going on. My emotions are all out of whack and I feel weird. No time to think because that's the bell.

Ring Ring Ring

The rest of school goes by in a blur, everything I was supposed to remember is now forgotten except for blue. I rush out of the building as the final bell rings. I wait for Alya at the doors so we can say goodbye, but she had other plans. She insists that we go to my place and talk about today's events, just for the sake of my mental clarity. Once we are in my room she says spill, and everything comes rushing out. My feelings for Adrien are discussed, the new feelings about Luka and the way he made my body feel, and the attack. She checks to make sure I'm clean of my cuts. Alya is the only one I have ever trusted with this, she's the only one who knows. My trust in her is greater than any other that I have ever formed. Then my phone, a ring, and an unknown caller. Who could it be, should I answer?

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