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Andres sat at the kitchen table and silently watched the woman he was slowly falling for, pace in agitation. It has been three hours since her cousin called with some important news. The moment she said hello, he told her what must be done. 

They were making their move.

As much as she can, Dominique explained to him what that meant. When they make their move on an enemy, unaccountable factors can show up for example him and the other boys. 
Lucifer wanted all rescues to be in Boston under the watch of his mother. Andres was confused why his mother was the one to look over them.

"Aunt Ari is queen. She won't let anyone touch you," Dominique answered. 

Though she reassured him of his safety, he noticed that the words were only for his benefit. She was far more worried. 
"Dominique," he called out. 
She came to a stop but didn't turn to him. He chuckled and rose from his seat. "Do you want to hear a story?" he asked reaching for her hand. Desperately, she threaded their fingers and held on tightly to his hand.
"I love your stories," she replied. 
Kissing her head, he led her outside to the porch swing which had a thick blanket for two. As a part of his therapy, writing or telling stories was a coping mechanism to either be calm or get free of that dark space in his head. He had two notebooks filled with short stories, sad ones, funny ones, and even happy ones. Dominique was in need of a distraction and he will help. She has been helping him from the first moment he laid eyes on her, it was his time to do the same for her. 

Sitting on the swing like they did so many times, she crawled into his lap and allowed herself to be vulnerable. Seeing this, Andres knew something was bothering her immensely. This was the fourth time she let down her guard and allowed someone to care for her. Brushing his lips against her temple, he placed another kiss on her head. 

"The warrior goddess and the broken human. I named the story that because someone dear to me inspired every word..."

"Andres." The soft mention of his name as she held him tighter made his heart race.

"Born in a country where he had his freedom with loving parents and good friends, the human though of lowly stature saw himself as lucky in every way. His young life was his perfection. He had dreams of seeing the world and meeting new people, it was his dream to be a mediator of some sort. He wanted to tell others of what he saw and to tell the people he met of his homeland. 
His parents' wanted to help him with his dream with a trip to a neighboring country. He was excited to visit after learning their language and culture. Upon his first few days upon arrival, the people were friendly, taught him little things of their land, and even made friends with him. The human was happy to experience such a welcome. During his stay, his parents thought it fun for him to join a party with kids his age, enjoy the nightlife as a start into adulthood. Saying goodbye to his parents was such a simple non-sensical thing to him then but the next day proved to him how wrong he was.
At that party, servants of high-ranked demons were searching for prey for their masters. The human with his foreign looks was considered rare to the servants and captured him. 
They took him from his family and proceeded to break him mentally but the human was strong at heart.
No matter the amount of abuse, he fought against the darkness that threatened to consume him. The demons had other prey and each human was tortured, abused until they beg for death. The human witness three self-inflicted death and two dying at the hands of the demons. Though he was moved from demon to demon being part of their 'fun' he never lost hope. It was years of being in hell, he never thought he will return to the human realm. As it turned out, there were demons living amongst the humans. Wolf in sheep's clothing, he called them. There was an inkling of hope that maybe he will go back home but he heard the whisperings in the demons' language. He and the other humans were going to sold again, this time death will come upon those not chosen. It was the last stop for him. His light and fight began to fade. The human felt guilty when he filled the younger ones' heads with false hope. He wanted them to live even if it meant his death."

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