"I knew I loved you that day when you took me to the beach the first time, and we spent the day there. I just thought you'd think I was crazy if I said it."

Shawn's only response was to press his lips against hers again, this time making it longer and deeper. They were completely lost in it, when their house phone started ringing. Shawn wanted to ignore it, but Beyoncé pulled away.

"You should get it" She said backing away to get the two glasses she left on the table.

"Hello?" Shawn answered to the phone distractedly.

His Uncle Joe's voice came on as a reply and he felt the smile disappearing from his face. His uncle explained he was calling to apologize, no doubt something his sister was making him do, but Shawn didn't even care, especially since he was supposed to be kissing his wife at the moment, and not listening to a half-assed apology over the phone. When finally his uncle was done, Shawn was glad to be able to hang up. He was about to go after his wife in the next room, but something caught his attention as he looked towards the TV.

The case with his wedding video DVD was right beside it. He hadn't seen it in a long time.

"You were seeing this?" Shawn asked as Beyoncé walked back into the room.

"Yes." She nodded. "I wanted to see us."

"We were happy." Shawn smiled.

"Yes. That's what I wanted to see."

Shawn reached for the remote and turned the TV on. "I wouldn't mind seeing that too."

They sat on the couch and Beyoncé handed him his glass. They ate while they watched, smiling at all the messages their friends sent, also laughing at some. When they said their vows on the screen, Beyoncé couldn't help the tears streaming down her face again. It didn't matter what happened to them, the feeling attached to each word she said to him that day, was still there.

"I love you." She said looking up at her husband.

"I love you too, Bey." He smiled.

By the time the video ended, Beyoncé was almost asleep in his arms. Shawn turned everything off, and picked her up to take her to bed.

"I can walk Shawn." Bey said, slowly coming awake.

"It's alright."

He carried her upstairs and without thinking started towards the guess room.

"I thought we could sleep in our room tonight. The bed is bigger, it fits us better." Beyoncé smiled, making him stop.

"That's a good idea."

Before crawling under the covers, Beyoncé quickly changed into a camisole, so she would be comfortable, and Shawn stripped down to his boxers. In no time, they were cuddling together in their bed.

That wasn't exactly how Beyoncé thought they were end their night, but the changes and the cooking and especially, the worrying and nervousness had worn her out. For tonight, just to be back in their room would have to be enough.

"Good night Bey." Shawn whispered in the dark.

"Good night." She replied, turning to place a kiss on his lips.


The next morning, Beyoncé woke up with her head laying on her husband's chest, while he stroked her back and kissed her hair every now and then. She couldn't help but smile at that. This was the perfect way to wake up.

"Good morning." Beyoncé said looking up at Shawn and placing her hand on his cheek to stroke it.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" He asked taking her hand from his face and kissing it.

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