
"I'll tell you a secret." Lee urged, a mischievous glint in his eye that Ollie knew he developed from the twins, and though Ollie seriously doubted Lee had anything worth the story of her parents, she surrendered. 

"They died when I was two, not much to it." Ollie shrugged, signaling to Lee that was all she was going to say. 

"I've got a crush on Ron." 

Lee immediately ducked back to his writing, his quill flying across the page. Ollie knew this was probably a tell all sign he really didn't want to expand, but if Ollie was correct, this is where a friend would prod further. 

"When did that start?" Ollie questioned, not lifting her gaze from her parchment as she asked. She heard Lee's quill stall, before he continued his line. 

"When he made keeper." Lee admitted after a moment. Ollie bit her lip in concentration before nodding, as if this made all the sense in the world. 

"What are you going to do about it?" Ollie pondered, Lee lifted his head to answer but came to an abrupt halt. 

A hand came down on Ollie's shoulder, and if one was standing outside in the pouring rain, they would have been immediately blanketed in sunshine. The dark clouds rolled away, and the trees stilled as George took a seat beside Ollie. His hand travelling from her shoulder, down her arm before he let it fall to the table. 

"Do about what?" George questioned, moving closer to Ollie as the chair next to him was pulled out and Harry collapsed into it. 

"I've got a headache." Lee suddenly blurted, his eyes wide as he stared back at Ollie. Ollie bit her lip, a taunt on the tip of her tongue but she didn't let it spill as Ron pulled out the seat next to Lee and fell into it with a huff. 

"Tea would probably help." Ron mumbled, dropping his head into his hands. Lee gazed at him, and Ollie saw his hand twitched but he didn't reach out to console him. 

"Is your dad alright?" Ollie asked instead, and suddenly all eyes were on her. Ginny was walking up with Hermione right behind her, while Fred was currently pulling out the chair on the other side of Lee. 

"He'll survive, has to take some blood replenishing potions for a while though." Ginny shared, rubbing her eyes tiredly. 

"Sounds like we all need tea then!" Ollie clapped her hands, and stood abruptly nearly barreling over Hermione. "To Hagrid's!" Ollie beckoned, and with a loud groan they all stood and followed her out, George lugging her book bag with a small smile on his face. 

"Quite the night for the Weasley's." Hagrid mused, depositing the last mug into Lee's hand, who was sat on the couch squished between Ron and Ginny. 

"Bloody hate snakes." Ron mumbled, bringing his tea to his lips before throwing his head back to rest on the back of the couch. Ollie nearly laughed aloud at Lee's clear nervousness with his proximity to the red head. 

"Rotten little things, less their properly trained of course." Hagrid grumbled, flopping down in his large recliner with a huff. He had never had so many students in his hut before. "He'll be alright though, Arthur always is." He finished with a smile, and Fred flashed him a thankful grin. 

"That's our dad." Ginny cheered, holding her tea up. Harry was the only one to lean forward, and clink their mugs together. 

Conversation moved quietly, helped by the flow of tea. Ollie found herself leaning back and admiring the fact she had brought them all here. It was her decision to bring them in the hut, and now here they all sat smiling and talking. 

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