9. Thunderstorm

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a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail

Ollie found herself prickling with pride as Remus sat uncomfortably in a large plush chair in the Black House library. He had the decency to look ashamed, and kept seeking Sirius eyes for comfort but Sirius wasn't granting him any.

He was instead glaring at Ollie as she set her mug of Molly's special green tea directly on the old oak wood desk.

"I know the basics. Something happened that night my brother died,' Ollie used air quotes with her fingers around the word brother, 'I exploded which resulted in killing my parents-"

"She's already wrong." Sirius snapped, and Arthur was quick to shoot him a glare.

"I was meant to be taken in by my godfather, the honorable Remus." Ollie drawled, pointing her gaze at Remus who was now picking at the threads of his cardigan sleeve, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "But I was not, instead I was left in the nursery and Hagrid found me a few hours later." Ollie finished, and Molly's eyes darted around the room before she let out a loud sigh.

"She might as well know the truth-"

"Mum!" Charlie protested. 

"Olivia, you were weaponized by Voldemort." Molly said, rising to her feet to approach Ollie. She rubbed her hands on Ollie's arms, and Ollie couldn't find herself time to realize there were no sparks as she turned to shot Remus a glare.

"So you left me in his hands-"

"I did nothing of the sort!" Remus snapped, and at once a loud howl of wind smashed against the window, but a shield charm was thrown lazily by Charlie and it stayed intact.

"If you could resist from destroying my house, I'd appreciate it." Sirius drawled, he flicked his own wand and a coaster appeared under her mug.

"Listen, I know my brother isn't dead, because he's quite literally downstairs playing chess with Ron."

"Who told you!?" Arthur shouted, looking greatly alarmed. He was stuck in his plush chair, as the day had worn on him but his voice box seemed to have survived the attack.


"That half-giant babbling beast." Sirius murmured under his breath, he hung his head in his hands and raked his hand through his hair frustrated. "You weren't suppose to know." He sighed, and Ollie let out a loud snort.

"If he hadn't told me, I would have pieced it together." Ollie boasted, Charlie shot her a disbelieving glance and Ollie tilted her head back in laughter. Rain pelted the windows as she sat back up. "His scar is shaped like a lightning bolt." She drawled, as she threw her hands up a streak of lightning ruptured through the sky.

"Olivia." Molly scolded gently, but there was a twinge of glee in her eye.

"So Voldemort weaponized me to kill my parents, and I'm assuming to kill Harry too but that obviously didn't work." Ollie began ticking things off on her fingers. "So you lot saved Harry by giving him over to my abusive aunt and uncle, then-"

"Abusive?" Charlie questioned, but Arthur shook his head quickly.

"While I was left in the nursery until Hagrid came back for me?" Ollie finished, raising her eyebrows at the group around her.

There was a moment of silence, until Remus nodded.

"We're we just hoping I would disappear into thin air? Would that have solved our problems?" Ollie asked, the wind picked up outside and Charlie folded his hands behind his back before casting a shield charm around the entirety of the house.

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