“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware. I’m quite surprised.” Louis rambled.

“What’s surprising?” Harry asked.

“You just- I didn’t know what to expect.” Louis blushed.

“Are you pleased?” Harry asked, unsure.

“Yes, very.” Louis smiled, and Harry lit up. He was quite nervous for a prince. Not that Louis was a prince expert or anything, he just expected a proper, rich snob.

They continued to dance, conversation dying down for a brief moment before Louis asked: “Has everyone had their chance to dance with you, your highness?”

“Call me Harry, please.” Harry laughed. “And yes, I believe so.”

“And you had to dance with me, because it is required.” Louis stated.

“Technically, yes.” Harry answered, still smiling at Louis.

Louis huffed, knowing he wasn’t special. “So, did you find anyone special?”

“Yes.” Harry replied. “Only one.”

“Well, I don’t want to keep you from them.” Louis started to let go, but Harry grabbed his wrists and held them around his neck.

“Don’t be oblivious.” Harry ordered, and Louis wasn’t sure what the prince meant by that, and he didn’t think Harry was going to go into detail, so he let it slide.

“Okay.” They continued to dance. They had separated from the party, somewhat, dancing out into the garden.

“I swear I know you somehow.” Harry said randomly as their dancing morphed into a relaxed stroll around the garden. Louis looked up to the taller man.

“You must be mistaken. You wouldn’t know me.” Louis replied, though he wished they previously knew each other.

“No, we have definitely met. I couldn’t forget a face like yours.” He smiled at Louis, who was blushing deeply.

“I’m sure I would remember meeting the prince.” Louis laughed.

“I’ll figure it out eventually.” Harry said, brushing it off.

Louis smiled and looked up at the stars. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was strolling through the royal gardens with the prince himself. And because the prince wanted to be with him. This had to be part of the magic. The magic that would wear off by midnight.

“Where are you from?” Harry asked as they walked.

“Not far, but far enough.” Louis sighed.

“From another kingdom?” the prince asked. Louis shook his head nervously.

“Harry, I’m afraid you won’t like me if I tell you the truth.” Louis said, honestly. “I’m afraid you’ll lose interest in someone like me.”

“Nonsense. I already like you.” He smirked, kicking a pebble. Louis sighed again.

“Well, I’m from this village, actually. But I’m not royal, at all.” Louis explained.

“Where in the village?” Harry asked, as if the royalty didn’t matter.

“Right near the Crescent Forest.”

“I’m familiar with that area. It’s nice.” Harry nodded.

“It is. I’ve lived there all my life.”

“And I’ve lived here all my life.” Harry joked. “I’m not sure what to call you, and it bothers me. What’s your name?”

Louis knew this wouldn’t last, and he didn’t want the prince getting so attached if they wouldn’t advance.

Cinderlouis (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now