Chapter 2: Omega

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      I sighed as the warm water pelted my spine, scrubbing the dirt from my hair and body, then lastly my wings. It's always been difficult to scrub blood from the ivory feathers. But I'll have to make due, the scent of cinnamon stained my nose. It was the only scent in hear. I wasn't too found of sweets but the smell seemed calming. I smiled then turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my hour glass figure ringing out the long brunette locks. They almost scraped the floor. Then a knock, I flinched as his voice rang.

"Omega I've left clothing on the bed; come down when your decent I'll make us some food."

Then the clicks of his steps vanished, my hands were shaky as I opened the door seeing a white top, black skirt with some stockings along with boots. I blinked then summoned undergarments and slipped on the clothing. Then I snapped my fingers to add my signature makeup with my ruby glasses and strapped my dagger to my thy under the fabric. Then I undid the towel and brushed through it; putting it in a sloppy bun and set the towel in a hamper. Glancing about I made my way down some stairs and into a kitchen. Everything was either red, black or both. Alpha was patiently waiting, pouring a cup of a pitch black liquid my mouth watered at the smell as I walked forward revealing myself. He glanced back and his eyes widened a unknown of a red staining his skin. Then he raised a brow with his usual smiled.

"Alpha is that coffee?"

      His gaze widened slightly as I was next to him he chuckled.

"Why yes would you like some?"

      I nodded.

"Yes black please!"

       His orbs widened again as his smile softened pouring me a cup. I gently took it and thanked Alpha as we sat at a table.

"Now what would you like to eat?"

      I hummed then shrugged.

"What ever you'd like."

       He chuckled then took a sip along with myself.

"Omega why were you in there?"

      I shivered glancing away, then sighed.

"I was the first to be caught, I was there for years, but also the most ravashing as those pigs stated. They wanted me not just for my second gender but my wings; I may look like an Angel but I can assure you that I'm a Demon."

      Those ruby eyes gazed at me; that night we ate in silence. The food was delicious and he asked no further questions. But he did say one thing before we parted for the night.

"Omega; don't ever enter the downstairs, do you understand?"

      I had nodded and agreed with him and went to bed in a short silky night gown I summoned. That was how I met him and weeks turned into months quickly. We still new nothing about each other.


      Some swing was on as I gently moved to the beat. I heard a chuckle as he looked to me.

"Ah I see I found out something; do you like music darling?"

      I nodded, I've kept my response short to the man. But my love of music was beyond myself and I love singing as well.

"Is this the music from your century?"

      I paused and smiled foundly.

"Not truly; I'm from the Victorian era some time in the 1800s was my birth. Yet I don't remember the year only that it was May 31st. But I've grown to love all music; but some of the newer century's music is distasteful."

      I had rambled about it, he chuckled.

"Then how about you choose a station darling."

   He's also been refusing to call me Omega for awhile now. Not that it bothers me; I quite prefer it that way. My smile broadened as I walked to the radio then paused and snapped my fingers. His eyes widened as a simple strum was heard then Beauty and the Beast played.  I began the woman, singing the notes as he stared. Then a hand on my shoulder, I smiled as he sang the male. He pulled me to the center of the room and spun me as we sang in harmony. Wow, we danced around the room as he lifted me with ease my hands on his chest as he lowered me and we spun doing a waltz. Singing the song perfectly to every beat.

       Then a small cyclops stopped her cleaning, her eye wide staring at her old friend Alistor dancing and singing with a beautiful demon. She was smiling broadly her fangs shown as her face lit up with joy. She giggled as he did a bow, she then curtsied.


       Alistor's eyes widened as she gave a softened smile.

"Alistor call me Thorn, that's my name."

       The small demon smiled at the two, noticing something for the both. But Alistor smiled, this was the first time she's said his name. His grin broadened as he chuckled.

"Of course, Thorn."

      The name was silk to his tongue, he loved the sound of her name. It was unique, another song played as the two began to dance once more as they would sing occasionally.

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