Guilty Rendezvous

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That conversation I had with Raichelle drained the fuck out of me, so letting off some steam with Ann made me feel like  a whole new man! I walked back to car happy as ever and pulled off without saying a word to Rai. She wasn't crying anymore, she had this angry look on her face and she was texting. I ain't even gonna bother her right now, cause truthfully I've had enough of this damn conversation. She not going anywhere so she need to just suck that shit up and deal with it.
She didn't say shit the whole time, I definitely didn't mind. I cranked up the radio and noticed I had a text

Ann💦: Thank you baby

I shook my head. See dealing with Ann is less complicated. I put it down and she act like she some damn sense. Rai on the other hand play hard to get all the damn time. I know damn well she be wanting it as much as I do, cause she be wet as fuck. I don't be trying to use sex to solve problems, but you can let off a little steam, destress and then you can think more clearly. I don't why she just doesn't get that.
I know what you thinking! Im not confused at all! I know that I wanna be with Raichelle, but she can get on my damn last nerve and when she being difficult Ann steps in and smooth shit over. I got caught up, cause she told me she was on the pill and I don't believe in abortion, so we just gone have to deal with this shit like grown folks. I got a little something up my sleeve to get Raichelle off my back for a little while and calm her little ass down, cause I be wanting to choke the shit out of her when she get in her moods. I love her, I honestly do she just doesn't understand that me fucking Ann wasn't an act of love, that shit is just convenient and less stressful (well most of the time).
I pulled into the driveway and before I could put car in park good Raichelle had her door open and was scooting her little ass out the truck holding to everything she could on the way. I put my head down and tried not to laugh when I heard her huffed and puff like she was out of breath from that. Stubborn ass should've just waited for me to come help her like I always do. See what I'm saying, she make shit harder on herself. I came up behind her as she unlocked the door and watched her wobble to the guest bathroom and slam the door. Dude! She acts like a little ass kid sometimes. "You trouble again huh? What you do this time?!" Chris asked walking up to me as we both shared a laugh at her childish ways. I smacked my teeth "Man I took Ann some food for her lunch and lil miss brat lost her shit." Shaking his head, he made his way to the basement.  I followed behind him. "So did they drop the rest of the payment yet?" I asked looking at the reports on the computer screen. "Nah" he responded while typing something in on the keyboard. "I contacted them and apparently we didn't complete the mission." My eyebrows creased together "Fuck, how they figure? It wasn't a damn thing moving in sight when we came up out of there and the area was clear all around. I did the perimeter search myself." I scrunched up my lip cause I felt like they were trying to play me and the fact that Chris didn't give me a heads up about this made me feel some type of way. Real talk. "I been back and forth with these mufuckas all day. They just recently sent me an encrypted surveillance video which I'm working on decoding now." I smacked my teeth and pinched the bridge of my nose "Yo, why you ain't put me on?" I asked him trying to remain calm. "I been trying to handle to this shit. I didn't get where I was today by panicking every time some shit didn't happen the way I expected it to. You in the loop, I was sure you wasn't gone be gone long cause Rai can't stand being near your ass for more than 2 hours unless yall sleep, so chill out." I mean mug the shut outta him while he just started laughing. "Man, that shit so stressful. You don't even want to know the half of it." I shook my head "She really be wilding, but more importantly how far are you from seeing the footage?" He clicked a few more keys and the screen on the wall lit up.


Me: Hey

After I relieved myself and washed my hands I headed upstairs. I knew that Maurice was gonna be occupied for a bit because he spends hours a time in his studio, sometimes for days.
I shot Adonis a quick text and was trying to figure out if I should change or not. Even if he was busy I was gonna get out this house for a while.

Treacherous LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant