𝟏.𝟎𝟏 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝘼𝙘𝙠 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨

Start from the beginning

She had obviously tried to keep in touch with her friends at first, but soon enough she lost communication with almost everyone back home in Rosewood.

Being away did help the girl at first, as she wasn't constantly reminded of Alison. Being in England acted as a distraction for her because in England there was no 'Missing Girl Posters', there was no awkward stares, there was no gossip. There she was just Sophie Langford - the new girl, not Sophie Langford - the dead girl's best friend.

But of course, good things don't tend to last for the girl, as a year later her step-father's business in Rosewood had had a couple issues which couldn't be fixed over a phone call or a skype meeting. So, her and her family had moved back to their home in the states. Back in Rosewood.

She had dreaded moving back. It felt alien to be moving back to Rosewood without Alison. A town without her best friend was something Sophie didn't want to get used to.

Now here she was, back in her old room, exactly as she left it a year ago, surrounded by everything that made her think about exactly everything she had tried to forget.

Sophie was broken from her own little world when she heard a knock at her door and she turned to see her older sister stood there.

"Hey, mom said I've to give you and Blake a ride to school. We're leaving in 10" Nova said before walking back out of Sophie's room.

Sophie set the picture back down on the desk and grabbed her school bag. She paused in the doorway of her room, her eyes lingering once again on one of the many framed photo's of her and Ali. She fought back the tears as she gently closed the bedroom door behind her and walked away. 

She walked down the stairs of her family home, to find that her mom and step-father had already left for work, and two of her siblings were nowhere to be seen yet.

Daniel - the oldest of the four Langford children - was seated on the kitchen island sipping a cup of coffee whilst reading the latest edition of the newspaper. As Sophie crossed her brother to get her own cup of coffee, she caught glimpse of the front page of the newspaper. She looked as she saw the familiar face on the page, and her heart once again sunk as she read the words 'STILL MISSING' that were printed in bold letters above the face of Alison Dilaurentis.

Daniel looked up to see his sister staring at the paper, "Hey, I'm sorry" he said as he folded it away.

"No, it's okay, you all don't have to get so awkward whenever Ali's mentioned" she smiled as she grabbed her flask and began pouring herself some coffee from the jug. "I just can't believe it's been a year and the police have nothing"

The boy shot his sister a sympathetic smile as he opened his mouth to say something when he noticed his other sister walk down the stairs, her phone in her hand - as always. He never understood the girls, Sophie was the same - glued to her phone 24/7. Sure, he was too, but he was a business man, it was practically in his job title to be on business calls all the time.

"Come on, we have to go" Nova said as she passed Daniel and Sophie into the kitchen to get her own coffee, and of course, not looking up from her phone.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to look up from your phone once in a while" Daniel joked, only to stop smiling almost instantly when nova shot him a glare.

Before things could get anymore awkward, the youngest Langford child, Blakely came down the stairs, his lacrosse gear in his hand.

"Morning grumps" he said as he walked past Nova and dodged her slap.

Blakely grabbed his coffee, and as the three made their way towards Nova's car he raced past Sophie, knocking her on his way, as he shouted shotgun and climbed into the car.

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