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I liked to take my dinner home and eat in the confines of my little caravan. It was still bleak and empty but it was calm. Alone with my thoughts, I could be me, vulnerable, angry, sad. It was my moment. I often ate half of the food, warmed the other half and kept for breakfast. Luckily there was an electric stove in the kitchen. I only had to buy a small pot. It was nice to eat something in the morning before going to work. Those pastries were too tempting to ignore on an empty stomach. Eve often said I was welcome to have one, but she was already giving me dinner, I felt like a leech taking breakfast too. I drank the coffee though. It kept me going.

So I will be getting paid tomorrow - $180. Eve said that's all she can pay. I'm more than grateful. I get to pay my rent and still get $30 left. I found a thrift store on the other side of town but the clothes are so worn out I wouldn't buy them for free. I need to get a sweater - it can be chilly at times- then hygiene products and soap. The one I took from the laundromat had almost run out. I'd probably check out the mall, even though right now all I have is $10. Damn! Baby girl is so broke.

As soon as I walked in the chiming doors Mrs Eve comes out from the back.

'Good morning Ma'am', I said cheerily.

'Hi Mina, how are you?' she responded. And you can call me Eve please.

Now I doubt I can do that. I'm Nigerian. We don't call older people by their names, especially not our bosses. It was considered an insult.

'I'm fine. Thank you'.

She busied herself arranging the shelves and counter area. I picked up a table napkin and joined her.

We worked silently for a while, then she said. 'we'd be closing an hour early today. We need to have a staff meeting.'

'A staff meeting?' I had no idea we had one of those. Sounds a bit too corporate for a diner, but then what do I know?

''A new restaurant is in town''. She said. 'We have to strategize on how to retain our clients or we will lose them'

'Is it that fine building with big glass windows on park street?' I asked. I had noticed major renovations taking place there since last week. I normally pass by it on my way to work. They were situated in the heart of town, just in-between the park and the supermarket. ''They have a good location. They landscaper is doing a good job already...I can't wait to see what inside looks like'.

Eve stopped cleaning and eyed me.

'I mean, just to see what we're up against. We need to spy out their tactics too', I rushed out once I realized how my previous words must have come out.

"Finish up here. I'd start prepping things for lunch hour." She said as she walked to the back.

Lunch hour was when most 9-5 workers came in. there weren't usually a lot, maybe 10 - 15 but they were regulars. There was a quarry on the outskirts of town, but they had a canteen I guess, so they didn't come into town for lunch. Eve's corner was about the only food spot in main town, until now. Judging by the looks and speed of work at the new restaurant, it was going to be some serious competition for us.

The clanging at the door announced the entrance of someone...a man in suit so smartly ironed I could see the razor-sharp edges from here. He must be one of those bankers, but his face was unfamiliar

Once Upon A ProstituteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz