Chapter 1: Prologue (Introduction Arc)

Start from the beginning

He was surprisingly a very good runner despite his slim and weak body. The boy managed to catch up with them with ease as the ginger-haired girl ran into the nearby alleyway. The three men cornered her, blocking the exit.

The men mocked how stupid she was, saying stuff like;

"What a dumb bitch."

"If she wants to be beaten so badly, she could've just said so."

"Her fault for getting involved."

The young yellow-haired boy turned the corner and saw the group of three men with the girl being cornered. He ran directly at the man in the middle due to him looking like he was the strongest one in his group. The men on the right and left were oblivious but the man in the middle turned around to face the boy who was currently recklessly charging toward him.

The middle man just grabbed Zale's yellow hoodie and flipped him over his head. He landed hard on the ground as the man sat down on his stomach and repeatedly punched him, going from his right fist to his left and then back to his right. "You think you are heroic or something?"

The ginger-haired girl used her Magic to temporarily stop the man in place. The man's fist stopped just in time as his fist was inches away from the boy's face. The boy booted the man away as he stood up and stepped backwards until he was next to the girl. "Thanks." He said gratefully.

Blood started coming out of his nose but he wiped it away with the surface of his hand. Zale noticed that the girl was still so calm about the situation, almost like she didn't feel threatened in any way. The only worrying thought that was in her mind was the young boy that followed her. "You don't need to thank me. I was just helping an embarrassing boy that followed three men and a girl into an alleyway."

"When you put it like that, it kinda sounds weird." The yellow-haired boy mentioned.

"Well I'm being sarcastic so I hoped it would be that way." The girl smiled at Zale - her smile was nice, the sort of smile which could cheer up any person just by looking at it. "My name is Juniper Taye, I hope I don't ever see you again."

Zale felt insulted even if he knew she was joking. "I'm Zale Alrich. I, unfortunately, don't have a comeback." They both shared a laugh but the man that had just been kicked was furious.

"Why the hell are you two brats just having a joyful conversation. You lot don't seem to understand the position you are in." He stood back up, dusting himself off. He ordered the two men to attack the two of them.

Zale spoke in a rush. "So what will we do?" He prepared himself in a horrible fighting stance while Juniper used her Magic to jump high up in the air.

"Do whatever!" She shouted at Zale as she dropped down behind the man that was charging at Zale. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and squeezed. The man fell unconscious as Zale quickly dashed to the right, avoiding the falling man. He saw the second guy approaching Juniper from the back. He coated his arm in some sort of bright yellow light and sucker punched the man, he collided against the nearby wall.

Both Zale and Juniper looked at the final man. The man was pissed and couldn't care less if he shows it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. "Nice Magic tricks. Let's see how well it compares to mine!" He yelled at them as the knife he was holding began floating in the air. The floating knife began to duplicate until it created a circle behind it. "Knife Magic: Suffering Edge."

The knives directly went at Juniper and Zale, Juniper had managed to stop them all without moving a single muscle which ruined the whole tension between them all. "That was easier than I expected," Juniper whispered to herself.

The man was stunned. "H-How?!" He fell to his knees in defeat. Both Juniper and Zale were startled at how over-dramatic the guy was being. The man began crying, burying his face in the ground. "I lost. I never lose." Zale started feeling bad for him while Juniper still didn't process what was happening.

Zale turned around to face Juniper, his eyes being watery - looking like he was about to cry anytime soon. "Just what did you do to this poor man?"

Juniper was still stunned, first, the man started crying, and now the guy that beat him up was crying for the same man that almost killed them. "All I did was torture his family, threw them into the sea, came back, committed arson then proceeded to murder every child that got in my way."

Zale wanted to escape from this chaotic girl as soon as he could. "So what now?" He inquired, glancing over at the crying man.

"We wait until Asrale City Police arrive." She sighed. "But that will be boring just waiting, so why don't you tell me more about yourself? Unless you have somewhere you need to be."

Zale nodded his head. "Yeah, I sorta just ran off without saying anything to my family. They're probably worried about me by now."

Juniper smiled. "Right. Well, I'll see ya you later. Thanks, this was fun."

Zale smiled back at her. "Yeah, but please try not to get into any fights unless you have to." He began walking off as Juniper just waved him goodbye.

"Hmm. What a nice soul. Might even be nicer than me. I mean, the only reason why I ran in here in the first place was so I could beat them up but I didn't expect someone to help me." Juniper stopped waving goodbye at Zale and focused her attention on the man that was crying. "Knife Magic. Any ordinary person would've had a tough time with that sort of Magic, I was fortunate I could do something about it with my Gravity Magic."

Juniper sat down on the ground, she found the sun annoying and preferred the rain so she sat down in a shaded area so the sun wouldn't get in her way. "Oh yeah, I forgot that I start at Mahou Academy tomorrow." She thought about it for a while, but eventually left the group of men to go back home. "The police should be fine."

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