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Hello guys, I'm back with another chapter. Hope you liked the first one. I'm going to feel stupid once someone tells me the answer but, how do you like crop out the white bits in like the cover of the book in book designer. I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!

I hour later...
Nyx's POV

I reached school by running just as the school bell rang for the last time. Thank goodness, I wasn't late, Mr McGregor would have my head otherwise. I quickly headed to STEM(science, technology engineering and maths) class just as Mr McGregor came in behind me. I quickly headed to my seat at the back corner of the room where I would disturb no one. STEM class passed rather quickly with just the usual nasty comments and dirty looks thrown my way. The teachers either acted oblivious to the bullying or didn't care or couldn't do anything. After STEM passed, I made my way carefully to lunch.

When I reached the cafeteria doors, an intoxicating smell hit my nose. It was a scent I couldn't describe but it was amazing. I was just going to find out who that smell belonged to when a gust of wind came from behind me and blew my scent inside the cafeteria. 'OH NO!' I thought, that wasn't good. With a sinking heart I watched as the Alpha's son, Torin, stand up and smell the area around him. I quickly moved to turn around, but it was too late. He had spotted me and was slowly making his way with my sister on his arm. When he made his way to me he lifted a hand and punched me in my face. "You are my mate?" He spat out in disgust, "I would never have someone as fat and ugly as you as my future Luna. Get out of my sight. I, Torin Daniels reject this worthless piece of trash." With that statement he turned and kissed my sister(who, like Katherine is also a slut) who moaned into his mouth right then and there. My heart felt as if there was 1000 burning daggers stabbed into it. I backed away from them slowly and just ran straight out of the school.

I ran to 'my home' and went upstairs to my 'room.' I quickly packed up what little of my belongings in my bag and jumped out of the window, and ran into the forest. My last thoughts were THEY WILL PAY!

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