Chapter 48: John

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I blinked at Urszula, my nerves surging and waffling between anxiety and excitement.

“So it’s decided? We’re going? Tomorrow? For sure?”

“That is Yaqob’s wish,” said Urszula, as she unstrapped Lalibela’s saddle. “Zhang wants to wait some more time. He think somehow a truce still possible. I don’t see how. He send emissary. But the War Council is meeting again at sunset. We should both be there.”

I didn’t know how to take this news. It would be good to get out from under this siege and off this mountain. The Cherubim were getting way too close for comfort. But I had friends at risk in New Axum. Family. Bern and Lille. Karla. Maybe even my mom.

For once, being a Hemisoul seemed a detriment instead of an easy escape from unpleasant responsibilities. For once, I wanted to be here when the big stuff went down.

“You know, it’s been a while. What if I fade?”

Urszula shrugged. “No way to predict or prevent. If we go, there is nothing to be done. Whoever of us is here, will go. If I am not here. You take Lalibela. Leave Tigger behind for me. She easier to fly.”

“Sheesh. I wasn’t counting on doing this on my own.”

“We will not be alone. We will have Yaqob and Olivier. The scouts. Some others. It is not left up to us. But you should realize, once we leave, maybe we don’t come back. There may be no New Axum to return to here. I am not happy about what we saw on the lower terrace. The Cherubim make too much pressure. Our fighters cannot hold out for much longer. And once they have the cloud forest they will take this city easily.”

“Are there any plans to evacuate?”

“Not official. But some are already leaving,” said Urszula. “But it is a long trail to the marshes. Very exposed to attack. If everyone goes they will be harry, every step of the way. The loss will be big.”

“The marshes can’t possibly hold all of these people.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Where else is there to go? Everywhere else is desert or ruins.” She pursed her lips. “There are hills around the bog. Maybe some can go there.”

“What about … underground?”

“Of course. There is always that. Back to the Reapers we go. Not too many will be happy about that. But maybe there is no choice. Maybe this is the end of life on the surface. Or maybe we go back to the Deeps?”

She shared a smile that bore equal parts mischief and grief.

I was thinking I had to warn Bern and Lille right there and then. Maybe if they got a head start they would have a better chance of reaching the next refuge unharmed. The problem was, I had no idea where to find them. I hadn’t seen them we arrived in New Axum.

“I go now,” said Urszula. “Come back here once the sun is down. Yaqob needs you there. We need you. You need to have your say.”


For hours I wandered through every nook and cranny of New Axum searching for Bern and Lille. I plunged deep in to the Warren, turning corners at random, not caring how lost I got as long as I kept covering new territory. All those calm and cheerful faces puzzled me. So few realized or cared how close they were to being slaughtered by the Cherubim and their overlords currently driving our fighters back across the lower terrace.

I have to admit, I kept my eyes open for Karla too, but somehow I was not as eager to find her. Something had shifted inside me. The warmth and thrill that thoughts of her used to inspire me had dwindled and cooled like the embers in an untended fireplace.

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