someone ?

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It's been a month, since i do that to katsukk and that is last time uraraka begin to bully him. Well, it's not like i cared about her. I try to find katsuki but i can't find him everywhere round face been nothing but an asshole so i can't ask her. Not to mention that i still feel mad when i remember those words from katsuki's diary.
"Todoroki-kun ask me to go out but i know i can't declined or else i'm doom"
'You're gonna be doom but not by him but me' i though like that. 'Who is she'
I see a certain long hair girl wating at sakura tree,not trying to interuped is she trying to ask out to someone or not? Becaused a myth has said if you confessed your feelings at under those tree,that person certainly accept your feelings. 'Weird...but i guess it has nothing to do with me.

I wonder if he is gonna be alright if i steal his "boyfreind" that soon is gonna be mine *giggle* i love katsuki so much. Sorry but i'm gonna steal him from you izuku-(chan/kun/san)
I walked toward katsuki and grab his hand. "???-kun why are we doing here?" He ask i knew he is gonna ask i brought him here so (/0□0/) \_____/
izuku-(chan/kun/san) cannot find him
I just wanna go out with you katsuki-kun~♡

Wait the damn...minute this chapter haven't go toward 10 chapter yet and i can't go out with bakugou anymore what kind of this shit are you talking about author!? I'm gonna break a forth wall right now and you fucking reader go ask author to make my scene with bakugou. Urgh! Fuck this shit!

I walked toward entire school only to see such as cry baby get their ass fucked and get their ass kicked. Urgh...nothing interesting so far. When walked toward libary i saw some boy walking and looked around, not try to be an asshole for a moment i go toward him and ask "what are you looking for?" And he only replied with "no worries i'm just certainly only to checked if there's have a problem" i giggle and only see his confused faced. "Well some cry baby get rape on second floor if you don't min-" before i finish that he run toward second floor. 'Well at least his still care for other cry baby" i giggle again and walked around libary for a second. "Huh?" I see a picture on the floor and i pick it. Sunddely my chest feel very hurt this katsuki and some weird guy is sleep on him.

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