Divine Warriors

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You know the story of the six Divine Warriors, but there was actually a seventh one. Selene was a former Divine Warrior, her brother Heilos was chosen to be one. But he had his duties of driving the sun chariot, Eos the goddess of Dawn was young and couldn't help, so Selene took the role. She had a trait from each Olympian, Swift as Lighting, Strong as a marriage bond, Free as the sea, The health of a tall oak, Violent to protect her friends, Smart with knowledge, the ability to foresee, fierce as a hunter, fearsome as a fire, beautiful as a pearl, sneaky, causes madness, is mysterious and shady and most importantly, Loving her family.

Some said Selene was better than Irene, but Selene had a strong friendship with Irene. Like Irene and Shad, her lover was star crossed. A mortal but their love was deep. But when Shad became the Shadow Lord, in the battle he cursed Selene on accident, her soul found be trapped in someone's body. But her lover used magic so that wherever Selene was in, the person she was inside of, he would be in their soul mate's body.

Selene then made her own world using an old world Irene doesn't visit, and in order for it to remain a secret, she removed everyone's memory of her. So the Seventh warrior was never real. Her soul went through many bodies, the recent one, Artemis Salinas. She was young when it happened. Meaning when she grew older the curse worsen. Bianca, knew a way to release Selene. Her lover Apollo forbid her to do it. So she snuck out, she risked her life for it. She nearly died, but The Great Alpha spirit in Artemis healed Bianca. Bianca had no choice but to join the female moon wolves, but in the process, the spirit went inside Ava. Endymion the lover of Selene went to find the host's soul mate. Selene was locked up but a prophecy came.

A love forbidden, to the land daemos and  wolves
Will bloom with the earth and some books
The love to bring down the darkness
So the quest will make others embark.

Selene never forget her friends but until the prophecy unfolds then she won't return.

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