chapter 1

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My mind is a hell that torments me I keep hearing voices as they tell me all sorts of things at once.  I can't seem to keep one emotion at once, one minute I'm happy the next I feel emotional. I can tell by my family that keeping up with me is next to impossible they all try to ignore me as much as they can except for my older sister Kendra she is the angel of the family she is so perfect my parents are so proud of her you can tell by the adoration in their eyes when they look at her. she always tries her best to be there for everyone including me I feel like she understands what I'm going through she always seems to be the only one who can calm the tornado in my head.

 When she is not at home I'm alone most of the time and I don't mind being alone is all I know since they all tiptoe around me as if I'm a ticking time bomb, to be fair I brought this upon myself with all the episodes and lashing out and tantrums to my defense I'm doing any of it on purpose the voices make do it. I don't want to die yet I keep doing or drinking things that can kill because it's the only way to escape reality when my body focuses on the physical pain all the voices in my head go quiet and for that little while the is peace.

I'm the middle child one of five girls  I'm Mitchell the lunatic of the family one who doesn't go out because my parents told me that I'm allergic to sunlight if go outside the sun will ruin my skin and I'll get marks that will never heal and I will die I remember asking my mother if I was a vampire she laughed and told me that it is more serious than that and vampires aren't real.

Since then I spend my days and nights in the comfort of this 'mansion' that I have the privilege to call home. My father is a Mayor of our town he is a very busy man he is hardly ever home, My mom is a housewife she takes care of the children at home she keeps a very close eye on me as if I might murder someone at any time. My mom is a very sweet woman who takes care of everyone me, my siblings, and my dad.

Lately, it has become so impossible to keep one emotion for over an hour what happens now is that one minute I'm happy the next I'm sad and start crying then the next I'm fuming anger is boiling in me. when it's justifiable that I should be sad or angry I just become calm or happy  I start laughing when I should be crying I'm still trying to figure a few things out I don't have a clear memory of my childhood.

As the days go it's becoming more and more impossible to keep the promise I made to mom

"Mitchel baby you know I love you," she said

"I know mom," I said calmly
" You have to try and keep it together I know it's hard sweetheart believe me"

"Keep what together," I asked

" Your emotions honey don't let them surface the voice inside your head promise me you won't listen to it Mitchey I don't want them to take you away honey," she said with tears pouring down her face.
" I promise Mommy I won't listen to it I will try my best to keep it together" I replied

Then I was too young I didn't understand what she was saying. What amazes me the most is that I don't have any clear memory of when I was younger than when I was 7 years then but I could remember how terrified she was.

As I grow older it's becoming more and more difficult to keep my promise the voice inside me is no longer talking it's screaming so loud it's almost impossible to ignore it now. I take my hands  and run them through my blond hair that hasn't been brushed in two days  since my two sisters Nora and Kelsi left and went on a girl's trip leaving me behind since you know 'poor Mitchey you know you can't go out it's for your good' so they say

I stand up and look through the window I wonder what it's like to be outside but I quickly dismiss the idea I don't want to give the mother a heart attack I glance at the clock it's been 21 minutes since she left and went to the shop I know she'll be back in no time she has never left me alone for more than thirty minutes with my two sisters gone on a girl trip for the weekend and she took Prudy with her because I once heard her tell Kelsi to never leave Prudy alone with me because I'm unpredictable

My thoughts are interrupted by the knock on the door I glance at the clock it's 29 minutes 13 seconds since she left "she never really does leave me alone for more than thirty minutes", I said to myself with that I descend the stairs to get the door why isn't she In yet? Did she forget her keys? No, she would never.

Remembering I shouldn't open the door especially when I'm alone in the house now that I'm convinced it's not the mom I turn my back and start ascending the stairs when I'm halfway through the stairs the door flies open.


How are you liking my story let me know in the comments this is my first actual story hope you guys enjoy it

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