talk like a top, take it like a bottom (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

When they talked about why Harry had the kinks that he did and what about the kink he liked, they were able to find out that Harry was sensitive, he longed for control, and he liked being a slut.

Harry was sensitive; his whole body was responsive to everything that was handed to him. It was almost like he felt what was being given to him more than other people would feel it. And because Harry was so sensitive, it made sex, especially when it was rough more intense. Harry would be whining and trembling the second his nipples were touched, and one simple tug at his curls would have him keening and chanting pleads.

Harry loved being controlled. His personality was naturally submissive, and that trait stayed with him throughout his sex life. He always came harder when he was held down or tied up, or just simply told what to do. He would follow any orders given to him, no matter what. After he followed orders, he was praised and he thrived on those compliments, he would do anything for them. That's why he liked orgasm denial and overstimulation so much. Somebody else was controlling when he could and couldn't orgasm and even when he didn't think he could take any more, he always did it. And in the end it was worth it, with the amazing orgasm and all the compliments and taking care of he got after.

Also there was just the fact that Harry liked being a slut. Harry liked how slutty he sounded when he was talking dirty, especially while he was being fucked. Harry liked being loud in bed, he liked when people knew about his sex life and his slutty tendencies, it made him feel confident. Harry also liked being marked up, either by hickeys, other sex bruises, or just simply limping the day after so that everyone was aware that Harry was getting well fucked. He liked when he felt the come drip out of him after the guy pulled out, he liked feeling like an absolutely filthy mink and he liked other people to know it as well. Harry also got off by the dirtiness of calling his partner daddy. It was so fucked up, Harry moaning daddy while an older, stronger man fucked him but it just made the whole thing hotter.

So maybe that was when you could start labeling Harry as a sex addict. The label wasn't formal though, until the school came in. Ben and Harry had just broken up, and Harry was making out with a guy in his school in the bathroom, that's how it started, he swore. But Harry was needy and the guy was horny, and well it escalated. When the janitor came in Harry was bent over the sink with his ass as far in the air as it'd go, letting out pornographic whimpers and pleads to go harder as the guy continued to fuck him, not stopping on behalf of the janitor. Harry didn't know if it was the obsceneness of the situation, the fact that they didn't stop on behalf of their "visitor", his already slutty reputation, or a combination of all three that made the punishment so severe.

Either way, Harry was still walking into a therapist's office with his mother on a Monday afternoon. His punishment was to get help since according to the school he was a "sex addict" and apparently "sex addicts" could be helped in therapy. "This is so dumb. It's not gonna help anything." Harry mumbled flatly to his mother over the pretty loud music playing in the waiting room. He figured it was to drown out the therapy sessions in case they got loud.

"Honey I don't have a choice. It's either this or getting expelled from school, remember? Besides, therapy would be good for you to talk about your, uh, issues." Harry's mother replied quickly. Her embarrassed tone and flustered look on her face made it obvious that she was still uncomfortable about what had happened.

Harry really didn't blame her. He didn't. He was sixteen years old and he was her son, nobody wanted to hear about their son being sexually active, very sexually active in Harry's case. And nobody wanted to get a call from their son's school explaining that their seemingly innocent child had been getting fucked in the bathroom.

The worst part was he that he did look innocent. His cheeks still had a little baby fat and he had always had an overall babyish face, and his curls only added to that image. His body was still developing too, with his "pudgy" stomach, "thunder thighs", and "bubble butt". But that was beside the point, the point was that, Harry looked innocent but he was not at all, and it sucked his mom had to find this out in the way that she did.

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