Katsuki's chest felt a pang after hearing those words. He felt useless but he was relieved that you were there. He was already terrified back when he heard Kaminari was beaten up so bad and now he didn't know what was Kirishima, Sero and Mina's condition are after hearing they got into an accident.

As you three head for the ER, you could spot a pink haired woman, wearing the same clothes you had saw earlier. She was sitting down on a bench, looking down on the cold tiles on the floor while she was fondling her hand nervously. She also had a bandage wrapped around her head and some on her arms and around her neck.

"Mina." Katsuki called which made that person turn to look at the voice who called her. And thus, after realizing who was it, her eyes started to water like falls.

She stood up from the bench and ran towards yours and Katsuki's direction. She was crying as she limped. You couldn't help but froze at the sight of her bruises.

"I...! Boss, I'm so...sorry....Sero..." she fell on her knees as she panted, making you and Katsuki ran towards her and helped her stand but her knees were shaking uncontrollably, "Sero protected my head that's why I was able to wake up soon....boss, I'm sorry, it's my fault...!"

Mina, who only had few stitches and a minor concussion from the impact of the crash trembled as she cried. Her heart was literally breaking because this was the first time that they had been in an accident where they all ended up in a critical condition.

"I-If Sero didn't covered for me t,then he shouldn't have been in worse condition..! It's all my fault-" Mina was hyperventilating as she tried to explain with her trembling lips.

Her fingers were as pale as her face. But your warm hands reached over her cheeks, making her stop talking and look at you, "ane-san..."

(a/n: Ane-san is not so often used but it means "big sister"; when it is used by Japanese yakuza or gangs, it means madam, or a lady who is their senior,.
Ane is a common way of saying "big sister" in rather formal situations.)

"It's not your fault. Sero protected you because you are his friend. He knew he did what he did because he wanted to keep you safe." you spoke as you took out a handkerchief out of your pocket and began to wipe her tears, "If the roles was reversed, would've you done the same?"

Katsuki was staring at you before he blinked a few times. He was left astounded.

Mina suddenly stopped, "I-if the roles was reversed?" she asked as she watched you with confused look written all over her face.

You nodded, "uh-huh. If you were placed in a position where you're able to protect your friends, would you do the same thing as Sero did? Would you regret it?" you bluntly told her which made her jolt. You held her hands as you glance at the pink haired woman.

She glanced back at you and Katsuki again as if she already knew her answer. She gathered her strength by taking a deep, but shaky breath before she answered you, "I-If it was me, I would also protect my friends...I would not regret anything..."

Smiling after hearing her answer, you placed your hand gently on the top of her unruly, pink hair before slightly ruffling it, "that's right. So it was never your fault. Sero knew that someone has to be safe and it was you. Now, it's your turn to protect them." you grinned at her before standing up.

Mina and Katsuki watched you stand up from crouching down and dusted your pants. You then placed your hand on Katsuki's shoulders, "I'll wait for you outside. You two need to talk, right?"

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