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Y/n POV:

I looked out the window, watching toby leave for his first mission. Once he came back they will give him his memories back, supposedly.

Leaning against the wall, I looked around the room, bored.

I didnt really leave the room since toby didn't like me being around others but he wasn't here and I was bored soooooo...

Standing up, I grabbed my sketch book, and opened the door. Walking out into the hallway, I closed the door behind me.

Walking downstairs, to the living room, where jeff and Ben were playing video games. I sat down on the couch watching the game. It was call of duty black opts, a game I use to play with my old friend.

They were on opposite teams going against eachother and Jeff seemed to be in the lead with one kill.

"Can I play the loser?" I asked, looking at them. They both looked over at me, before nodding yes and going back to their game.

I watched Jeff win, still a point ahead as Ben slightly pouted.

"That means you go against Ben, y/n cause I'm the best at video games" Jeff said rather proudly, his head held high.

Sitting down beside Ben and grabbing the controller from Jeff, I looked over at Ben.

"You ready to lose again?" I asked, smirking.

Ben smirked right back, popping his knuckles before grabbing his controller and hitting "A".

"You mean for you to lose?" He laughed, putting all his determination into the game.

-Time skip-

I jumped up, shouting yes, as I beat Ben with the lead of 7 points.

Ben smiled at me, holding his hand out to shake. "Good game?"

"Good game" I said back, shaking his hand.

"Your really good at call of duty y/n, have you played before?" Jeff asked, tearing his eyes away from the TV screen and towards me.

"I use to play it a lot, not much now though however so I'm a bit rusty" I rubbed the back of my neck, looking at them both.

"You guys hungry?" Ben asked, the subject changing completely but in a good way.

"Yes!" Me and Jeff shouted, before we all raced to the kitchen.

Janes POV:
Great now another person is getting close to Jeff and making it harder for me to kill him. Someone's always near him isn't there?!

Guess I'll have to kill them too, their in the way.

And I must get my revenge.

Lui POV:
I started at my brothers new friend. It was the new Person, y/n. If they knew how he would take everything away from them once they got close to him, they wouldn't get near him.

So now I have to get them to see him. How he really is.

For fucks sakes he literally will kill 14 year olds and feel no remorse

I will get them to see the real jeff.

Jeff POV:

y/n... they were like a sibling to me...

I must protect them from anyone who tires to harm them.

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