Friends Till The End Part 2

Start from the beginning

"No!" called out Tristan.

"There's got to be a way to put a stop to this duel!" called out Duke in anger.

"They'll hurt Lilly," said a concerned Mai.

"What do we do?" asked Serenity.

"Seto, isn't there some way we can stop this without putting Lilly in danger?" asked Mokuba.

"We have to do something," said Lance in desperation.

"What's going to happen to Lilly?" asked James in fear.

'They are so focused on me that they wouldn't dare to stop this duel,' thought Lilly as she looked at her family and friends. Lilly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes, looking at everyone with a look of determination. "Forget about me! You have to stop this duel! One life lost is better then two! Please, Seto, save them!"

"I wouldn't listen to her!" said the Rare Hunter as he stepped out of the vehicle. A large smirk on his face.

"We can't, sis, he'll push the button!" called out a terrified James.

"She saved us, we have to save her!" said Lance to his eldest brother.

Seto looked angered and started to plan to save his sister while Yugi tried to get through to Joey. Amazingly, it looked as if Joey was finally getting through.

"Get out of my head!" yelled Joey as he grabbed his head, seeming to fight Marik's hold. "I can't! He's my best friend! I won't destroy Yugi!"

"Fight him, Joey!" yelled Yugi. "You can do it, Joey! I know you can. Be strong!"

'They have less then two minutes!' thought Lilly in fear.

"Marik!" called out Yugi with determination. "You hide like a coward, but wherever you are, I know you can hear me, and I've got some news for you! There will be a loser in this duel, but it's not who you're thinking! It's not me! And it's not Joey, either! It's you, Marik! You will lose this duel!"

"What's Seto doing?" thought Lilly as she watched her brother from the side of her eyes. She watched as her brother spoke into the collar of his jacket. He glanced at her and nodded. 'I wounder what he has planned. Seto is smart. He might of found a way to stop this duel. I hope he's able to pull it off soon. There is less than a minute left.'

"What are ya gonna do now, Marik!?" called out Yugi. "Just wait in your little hideaway until you lose this duel? This is your last chance for victory! So, come and get me! Joey can't be controlled, so it's up to you!"

Joey grabbed his head and screamed, seeming to fight Marik's control. Yet, when it seemed like he was about to break free, Marik would regain control.

"It's over, Yugi!" called out Joey/Marik with a smirk. "I activate Meteor of Destruction!"

"Yugi! Help me please!" called out Joey as he screamed to the heavens.

"You did it!" called out Yugi with a smile. The look on his face then shifted to determination. "Mystical Refpanel will stop Marik's meteor! Now I can reflect it to wherever I want. I'm not going to put you in danger, Joey."

'Amazing! Joey's will was so strong that he managed to break through!' thought Lilly as she watched the two talk, only to look up and gasp.

"You guys have to do something soon or you're both in trouble!" she called out as only 30 seconds remained on the clock.

Before anyone could do anything, they all heard the noise of a chopper. They turned to see one of the Kaiba helicopters. It started to fly toward Lilly, angering the Rare Hunter.

"Where did that come from? I warned you! Time to drop the crate!" said the Rare Hunter.

"Take this!" called out Seto as he threw his Blue Eyes White Dragon card at his hand and the man dropped the remote.

"Big Mistake!" he called as he ran to the remote.

"Not really!" said Seto as he rushed over and knocked out the man. "No one messes with my family!"

The helicopter then moved the crate away from Lilly, knocking it into the ocean. Out of nowhere, there was an explosion, causing water to rise and fall on Lilly and Seto. The rest of the group then went running to her and the boys unlocked her shackles.

"Thanks guys!" she said as they started to run to help Yugi and Joey. Then she stopped and looked at her brother. She smiled at him then ran to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, big brother!" she said as she let go and ran after the others.

Right before the group could get to the two, Yugi used his card to attack himself, saving Joey and shocking everyone. Joey, wanted to save Yugi, ordered Red-Eyes Black Dragon to attack him, so that Yugi's key would be revealed.

Joey swung to the other side to save Yugi, only for the anchor to drop, dragging both of them down into the ocean.

"No!" yelled the others in shock as the ran to try and help them.

Only a few seconds later, Yugi popped up. Tristan quickly jumped in to get him out of the water.

"Where's Joey?" asked a conserved Mai.

"His key!" called out Lance.

"Joey never took it from the box!" declared Mokuba.

"Hurry up and go get me his key! I'll dive down!" declared Tristan, causing the younger boys to nod and turn to run to the box, only to stop in shock.

Serenity, key in hand and bandages off, jumped into the ocean.

A few seconds later, she and Joey resurfaced, causing everyone to smile in happiness, knowing that no friends were lost this day.

"You okay?" asked Tristan to his friend. He and Duke moved to the side to help Joey and Serenity out of the water.

As night settled, the group of friends and family looked out into the ocean. The group decided it was time to eat. Seto just looked on, then turned to his siblings.

"Come on, let's go, you four," said Seto as he turned away from the group.

"Hey, Kaiba!" called out Yugi, causing him to stop. "We couldn't a gotten outta that mess without ya!"

"I did what I had to for my sister. Got it, Yugi?" said Seto as he glanced back at Yugi.

"Well, thank you!" said Yugi. Seto then looked forward and continued walking.

"We'll see you at the Battle City Finals," declared Seto.

"Bye guys! I can't wait to duel you, Yugi!" said Lilly with a smile and a wink, causing Yugi's face to turn red. Seto turned to glare at Yugi.

"Let's go, Lilly," he said as he grabbed his sisters' hand and walked away, all the while the younger Kaiba siblings laughed, causing Lilly to look at them confused.

'Well, if this hasn't been an eventful day then I don't know what is!' thought Lilly as Seto started to lecture her on how she should be more careful when she went out.

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