Chapter 1

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A clown pin is knocked backward in a carnival game. A young teenage boy with high top curls and a slight tapered fade aiming a toy rifle at the pins had aimed down the sights with laser focus. A pretty teenage girl stood by his side. Another teen boy and girl were paired adjacent from them.

"Lucky shot." The other boy commented.

The teen holding the rifle glanced over at the boy without breaking his form or focus. He locked in on his aim and closed one eye to zoom in on the pins. In a flash, three more clown pins were shot down without missing a single shot. The game operator held up a sign with the number ten written on it.

"Perfect score!" He called.

"The pins were too close together." The other teen boy accused.

The teen holding the toy rifle was annoyed at his friend's excuse.

"Tch! Shut up." He responded.

"Yeah, Bobby! Shut your mouth!" The teen's girlfriend added.

"Don't talk to my Bobby that way, Harmony! Your man obviously had an easier round than my man." Bobby's girlfriend defended.

The focus was now on Harmony.

"An easier round!? Andre was given the same amount of pins to shoot at, just like Bobby! Don't blame him because you suck at the game." She defended Andre.
Pfft. Lies!" Bobby said.

Harmony smirked.

"What was the final score again? Oh yeah, 10 to 3. Just accept that you were outplayed. Right, Andre?" She said with a smirk.

She awaited a response back but was only met with silence.


She glanced over to see the game operator handing him his prize. It was a toy pistol equipped with foam ammo.

Perched on a nearby rooftop was a teenage girl dressed in a purple cardigan and slacks. She's overlooking the whole carnival as if she's the guardian of the fair. The sun's rays reflect upon her darker skin. Her ponytail is blowing in the wind, highlighting the sheen of her silver hair.

She's watching over the surrounding area when, in an instant, she senses something rising in the distance. She stands immediately with a concerned look upon her face.

"An omen." She muttered.

Meanwhile, Andre approached Harmony with his prize. He aims the weapon out in the distance and strikes a military-style pose. Harmony smiles and giggles as she takes out her smartphone to capture a picture of him. Bobby watches on in a friendly but jealous manner.

"You don't deserve it." He muttered under his breath.

Harmony became annoyed hearing the slick remark Bobby spoke. She turned towards him and opened her mouth to speak, but Andre beat her to the punch.

"Is that right?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

"YEAH!" Both Bobby and his girlfriend stated simultaneously.

Andre looked around and noticed a pitching booth. A young teen was pitching a baseball at a moving bullseye target. There were two booths available for a one on one battle. He smirked and pointed towards its direction.

"Alright, I'll humor you some more, my good man. How about it, Sonny boy? Agree to an ol' bout?" He challenged in an old-timey accent.

Bobby looked in that same direction and saw the pitching booth. He also smirked and then grabbed his hand.

"Hm Hm, right you are. I dare say, get ready for an extreme ass-whooping that'll be one for the ages, my dear sir." He reciprocated in the same accent.

Andre smirked with a confident look on his face.

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