ERA (optional)

158 0 5


Randomize from -10,000 to 10,000 (adjust as desired).


(Negative numbers: before the scorching; depending on how far back you go, verbal language could be half-formed, or even nonexistent, and body language would be heavily depended on. Dragons did not band together, nor make tribes, and they lived alone. They probably aren't like the dragons in the current era because they haven't evolved so far yet. Scavengers are the dominant species.)

(0 : the very end of scorching)

(5-500 : early settlements; tribes banded more securely; queens appointed; some kind of economy established)

(500-1000 : settlements and culture become more complex, and medicine develops)

(1000-2000 : the dragons are beginning to evolve into the dragons we know now, and look similar. IceWings are making circle systems, more complex laws, and are beginning to become generally ahead of the other civilizations.)

(2000-3003 : Established law, order, and education is more widespread. Philosophy and culture and art develop, things start getting documented and written language is made, and the law is better enforced. Animus SkyWing dragonets are being dropped off cliffs, so it's safe to assume an animus SkyWing went insane.)

(3004 : IceWings and NightWings despise one another now)

(3012 - 3013 : IceWings attempt an invasion; battle breaks out; Prince Arctic dies; Darkstalker falls asleep; IceWings lose their animus magic and the original bloodline dies out; NightWings flee their home; Terror over animus abilities spread far and wide, reaching every settlement with written language)

(3013-4972 : ??? Not much happens here, really. Technology and medicines probably become more advanced, but we're not given much knowledge.)

(4973-5012 : SandWing royal issues that eventually turn into a war. Animus artifacts retrieved and knowledge on animus magic advances.)

(5012 - 5013 : Pantala happens. New dragons.)

(5013 - Onward : ????; I recommend looking at how past medieval civilizations have advanced throughout time to get a good look onto what it might be in the WoF future.)

(6513-7000 ish : would look something like our civilization now.)

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