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The blankets felt soft under Tanya as she tried to go back to sleep, without success. There was an annoying ring at her side.She picked up her phone and opened messenger. Josh had texted her.

Good morning!☀️ He wrote.How are you? Tanya didn't reply only because he knew she was sleeping. It's only 7:05! She thought. Why the hell is he awake! Josh usually didn't talk to people until noon, when he had to get up for work. And that was on weekends. On weekdays he was up at six for school.

Tanya and Josh lived in a quiet town called Dakanok - where peace shines through the dark. Even though that was the stupidest and probably most seen slogan ever, Tanya loved where she lived. She loved the green grass,( which Dakanok always had ) she loved the beautiful pink and blueish purple almost night sky's, and most of all, she was obsessed with how nice the school bathrooms were.

The town of Dakanok always took pride in their clean bathrooms. The schools put so much money in there own, the people helped pay for books, pencils, and other school supplies.

Tanya decided to get up, knowing she wouldn't sleep anymore. She sat up on her bed looking at the mirror in the corner of the room. Her long black hair was all over the place. She had wanted to cut it short for a long time. I guess today is the day then. She thought while looking at her rats nest of a bun.

She went to the bathroom that she had decorated personally, and started coming at her tangled mess.

After four bottles of detangler and a whole lot of head pain, Tanyas hair was smooth. I'll cut it later. She decided.

 And she walked out the door.

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