Chapter 7: Those First Few Messages

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October, 2019

Following my first encounter with Hudson, I got into my Physical Geology class to sit down before my professor came in. I felt my phone buzz and was surprised to see that Hudson had texted me first. 

Hey, this is Hudson. Just wanted to let you know that this is me. 

Oh my god. I thought. Normally, I make the first move in texting someone but this was a total surprise. 

Hey! I just got into class and I am so happy you got back to me after our first meeting. 

Yeah. Hey listen, I will text you later. I have class to attend to and I don't want to bother you with your class. 

I replied back saying, "okay" and put my phone in my pocket before starting the next lecture. 

The following day

I walked into the cafeteria to see Samantha sitting in a booth next to the wall. Knowing her, it looked like she needed some company.

"Hey Samantha. Mind if I sit here?" I asked.

"Oh hey. Not at all." Samantha replied back with a smile.

I wanted to get to know Hudson's sister better as I only ever saw her in class. Plus, I wanted to build some sort of friendship to see if I could get closer to her brother. Problem is, I didn't want to tell her until months after when my feelings for him got stronger. More to come with that later. 

"So, how do you like our Physical Geology class?" Samantha asked me. 

"I love it. I grew up with a family of science wizzes and it's great that I can pick up topics I learned from my father. He was quite the scientist back in the day." I replied back, remembering the memories I made with him.

"Oh, so you do you like other types of science?" Samantha asked out of curiosity.

"Yep. Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and a bit of Astronomy." I replied back, getting excited just thinking about our next lecture. 

"Haha, that sounds cool. Hey, I heard you have been talking to Hudson recently." Samantha pointed out my phone. 

My face went to a tomato red color from blushing. She found out quite fast. Then again, they are siblings and I wanted to see if anything would happen between us. Speaking of the devil, I just got a message from him.

Hey Taylor, Just wanted to say hi and was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I am currently by the amphitheater so if you have time, come over. 

I looked up at Samantha and she knew something was up. 

"I am sorry, but I have to go." I said, packing my bag up.

"You're fine. I'll see you tomorrow in class." Samantha replied back.

I quickly left the cafeteria to walk towards the amphitheater. Knowing me, I knew being on stage would be like coming home to my escape. It has been several months since I went on stage and performed in front of a large crowd. I miss those days of playing my heart out and seeing the crowd's reaction after a selection of music is finished. The adrenaline rush of performing makes me want to continue playing on stage forever. Then again, who knows if I will join a local orchestra before leaving college in the next several years. 

As I got into the amphitheater, I noticed Hudson was sitting in the third row of the seated area with his guitar in his lap. 

"Hey, you made it." Hudson looked up at me with a smile.

My goodness, he is handsome. How did this guy ever ask me to sit with him on the benches of the amphitheater?   I thought.

"Yeah, I did." I smiled, trying to hide my blushing face.

I sat down next to him and asked what he was doing with his guitar out.

"So, I am into metal music. However, since I only have an acoustic, the song won't sound as good." Hudson said while tuning his instrument.

"Well I can tell you right now that I know nothing about guitar. Yes, I am a violinist, but a guitar doesn't seem too bad. I am sure if I ever played, I could easily get the hang of it." I replied back.

"Want to try it out?" Hudson asked, handing me his guitar.

"Oh no, I want you to play." I said back with a smile.

The way he looked at me with that cheesy grin made me only fall for him even more. His eyes glistened in the sunlight while we sat in the amphitheater for an hour, talking about music and school before separating into different paths. I hoped that things were going to move forward between us. That maybe one day he will ask me out and we could start dating. But, that was not the case as I later found out months after. 

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