#3 intrO

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"We should just keep them as hostages."

"We'll use them as bait if those monsters try to come at us. I'm pretty sure they like to feed on kids."

The men in the room nodded in agreement.

So selfish, the son of the head man in the room thought.

"Junhyung," The father of the boy called, "go check on those rabid animals. We'll need to make sure they're enough for the zombies outside."

We, we'll, WE. It's immaculate how that man is even considered a father, Junhyung pondered on the thought as he proceeded to leave the meeting room. As he closed the door, he heard the older men talk about him inside, saying that he would take over their world and the zombies would yield to him.

They were out of their minds.

Junhyung walked down the corridor of his home. The big manor he grew up in never got old. It never seemed to change, actually. The maids that were left all bowed to the young boy. Everyone in his home treated him like royalty, which was very unnecessary.

He finally reached the back of his house and a maid opened the door for him as soon as he reached out for the knob. Rolling his eyes, he ventured into his backyard, walking to the shed where gardening supplies were kept. With a key he picked up on his way out, he opened the lock on the door of the shed.

He opened the door to be met with two other boys, tied up like dogs to the built in shelf. They were famished. Seems like his father forgot to give them their daily meals. Junhyung felt sick to the stomach at this sight. These boys were around the same age as him, but they were obviously younger, maybe a year or so. He sighed and crouched down next to the boys, "I will get you out of here."

Both boys shook their heads, "You can't! You'll get severely punished by those older people. Junhyung, use your brain in personal situations too!"

Junhyung stood up, "Yongsoo, you should be worrying about yourself and our Jinnie. Those morons think I'll be able to make those zombies into my pets..." Junhyung continued to blabber on about how the older generation knew nothing about their situation and just made up random scenarios they wish would happen in the future.

What he didn't know, though, was why the two youthful boys in front of him had grown pale in the face. Their eyes tried to tell Junhyung something as he continued to place shame on the men, but he just couldn't get what information they were trying to pass over to him.

"Is their something wrong? What is it-" As Junhyung was talking, he felt a weight on his shoulder, making him grow quiet.

His eyes widened.

"What was it," The person paused as Junhyung turned to look at them, "you were saying, son?"

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