#1 intrO;

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"Is anyone there?" He feebly asked.

It was dark, rain pouring. The young boy had just locked himself in an abandoned house. Outside, he could hear the footsteps of the living dead he ran away from. He was breathing heavily. Exhausted, he slumped down, not ready to move on and look around the house. For all he knew, there could be more of those monsters in one of the rooms.

Before he knew it, there were tears forming in his eyes and his lips were quivering. It wasn't the time to cry, but everything that had happened in the past week, it was traumatic and he finally had a space of safety, for now. He weeps in the corner of the dark room, wishing he never separated from his family.


Why was he away from the people he called his home? Why was he pushed aside when the country's wide evacuation was taking place? How come he's still here with no one by his side? Was no one going to come for him? Or did they simply forget about his existence?

"I hate it here."

The boy's eyes widened at the sound of a voice.

Someone was here.

Wiping his tears, the little boy quickly stood up, looking around for anything to protect him. He ran around the room, until he heard the voice again.

"No, those jerks of a government forced a handful of people off every plane and boat to stay here! Just so that those politics have a way to evacuate! It's so ridiculous..." The unknown person continued to rant.

The boy trembled. What if his family had been forced to stay here. Were they possibly looking for him? A small gasp left is mouth.


The other person had gone quiet. The little boy placed his small hand over his mouth and self disciplined himself for making noise.

"Is anyone in there?" The unknown person called.

The boy stayed silent. Suddenly, the door was thrown open. A boy, most likely a teenager, stood in front of the younger boy, gun in his right hand, phone in his left.

"D- Don't hurt me!" The little boy stuttered as he ran behind a ripped curtain. He peeked his head from it, frighteningly looking at the older. The other boy put his gun back in its holder, "I won't hurt you, I promise. Don't be scared."

The older boy went up to the younger boy. He lent his hand to him. The little boy took it and scanned the elder one's face.

"My name is Shin Kyubin, I'm fifteen years old, and you?"

The little boy was hesitant, "My name is Lee Taeyeob... I'm ten."

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