Chapter 4: Trust Issues

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Song - Drake ft. Rihanna x Take Care
Waking up, slowly fluttered my eyes open. My body felt so relieved and relaxed. I didn't want to get up. After minutes of procrastinating, I began to sit up but instantly regretted it because I felt like someone was repeatedly kicking me in my head.

" Mmmm! " I flinched and moaned in pain. I closed my eyes quickly from the sunlight approaching through Mickey's curtain. This shit hurts so bad.

I felt a cool breeze around my abdomen. I slowly looked down to drape something over me and seen I was naked. Immediately, I became frightened. What the heck?! Why the hell am I naked?

I heard Mickey's bedroom door open and there she stood, with an excited and gorgeous smile on her face. I wish I had the urge to smile back. I immediately grabbed the blankets and covered myself.

" Malachi.. " I asked trailing off as I seen my clothes throw all over the room. I feel so embarrassed. 

" You aight? " She asked worriedly, now catching my attention as she came closer to me.

" W-What the hell happened last night? Why am I naked? "

Her face went from excited to disappointed within seconds.

I frowned. " Did I say something wrong? " She slowly shook her head and placed a tray of breakfast on my lap. Just as I went to pick up my food, I felt so nauseous. Oh shit. I covered my mouth, quickly removing the food off my lap with my free hand as I ran into the bathroom, slumped to the floor and began puking my guts out into the toilet.

Damn it! I have to work tonight. The last thing I needed is a hangover.

" Damn.. " I heard Mickey say from behind me as she held my hair out of my face.

" W-What the hell hap- " I threw up some more and finally picked my face up. " L-Last n-night- " And threw up some more.

" Shhh. Relax. " She said rubbing my back soothingly.

She picked my arm up and grabbed my hair tie off my wrist to put my hair into a somewhat bun. I spit in the toilet as she walked around me to turned the bath water on.

" Come on boo. " She said helping me stand up. She picked me up and put me in the bath tub.

She sighed and sprayed the toilet down, I laughed. " I can do that. " I laughed a little more at the face she had been making which wasn't a good idea either, due to the current migraine.

" Fuck! " I groaned in pain as I face palmed.

" I gotchu. " She walked out and came back within seconds with two aspirin and my bottle of cold water.

I chucked them back and drank some water. " Thanks. " I smiled. She faked a smile and began to walk out.

" Wait! " I gasped before she could make her way out the bathroom.

" Mickey, what happened last night.. " I asked. I've never seen her spin around so fast.

" Nothing. " She smiled and walked out.

" Nothing " is a lie, I thought. If nothing happened then why did I wake up naked? All I could remember was Aj's party, seeing Beautiful, talking to AJ and AJ figuring out I had feelings for Malachi. I left, we argued and we told each other our feelings.. Wait, WHAT?! 

Holy shit! I told her I had feelings for her! I fucking told her I had feelings for her. I sighed and covered my face with embarrassment. I can't believe I did that shit.

I just can't figure out why I woke up naked. Maybe I stripped down, willingly. I mean, I was drunk. I thought to myself. I stood up in the bath tub, slowly. Careful not to fall I turned on the shower and washed myself up. A few minutes later, I got out, cleaned up my mess, brushed my teeth with my spare tooth brush I left here and walked out the shower. I stared at myself in the mirror as I dried my face. Then I seen something red on my neck, moving my hair out the way to brush it off, I'd seen the hugest 3 hickeys.

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