Chapter 1: Bestfriend

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Song - Bestfriend x Auburn


" Ma! I have to go. Mickey is outside waiting for me! " I yelled up to her.


" Ma! " I yelled, running up the stairs. 

As I turned the corner, she'd just been exiting her bedroom. Holding my chest out of fright, I let out a shaky breath. 

" Ma, you scared the shi- the crap out of me. I was just coming to see if you were okay and to let you know I'm about to head back to work. I'll call you on my break. My car engine is making funny noises so I asked Mickey to pick me up. I love you! " I finished, kissing her cheek and hugging her lovingly as she returned the same gestures.

" Mhm, it's not like Mickey to not come inside. She must be with that little tramp of her's..." She sighed of her own frustration.  My mother never took a liking to Malachi's girlfriend, Nicole. There are just certain things about her my mother and I couldn't quite grasp but she just seemed so slick. 

" I love you too, baby. Be safe and tell Mickey to call me as soon as possible. And your father is working late tonight. He told me to tell you he loves you. " She finished.

" Okay. I love him too.." Turning around to be on my way, I stopped to look back at my mother. 

" Ma, I thought you said you'd be nice to her girl! "

" Oh hush girl, you know damn well I haven't liked that girl. It's just something slick and sneaky about her. " She snapped, laughing lightly while pushing me to go down the stairs. 

" Now hurry up and go before you're late. Love you babe girl! "

She kissed me on my forehead one last time before I ran down the stairs, her slowly following. I grabbed my jacket off the coat rack and  chuckled. 

" She's really not that bad. She's sweet if you'd get to know her.. But I love you too ma! See you later! " I said before exiting the door only to come face to face with Mickey's girlfriend, Nicole.

" Woah! Damn girl, all up in the grill. " I joked. " What's up Nic? " I asked smiling and working my way over to the car. 

" Well, Cold now. " She stated, closely behind. But I wouldn't be if you weren't so damn slow! " She hissed as we chuckled.

" Sorry boo, I had to talk to my mother. " I retorted, opening the backseat door. 

" Hey Mick!" I greeted to my bestfriend.

Malachi, to whom I call Mickey, and I-have been bestfriends ever since I could remember. My mother and her mother are like sisters. They favor one another so much, no one would even be able to tell they weren't really related. With Mickey being my bestfriend, who is also 4 years older than me, she's one of the most important person's in my life. She is highly protective of me. Which I'm very grateful for but sometimes we clash so hard due to the times she doesn't know how to fall back off me.
We've never even been away from each other unless I'm going to visit New York or she goes on a vacation, which has been happening often lately. We haven't communicated as much as we usually do. She thinks I'll end up leaving her and mama to move off with some rich white chick. I personally think she's always thinking too far ahead about situations that I know will never occur. She has no room to jock me when she's the one with the rich.. Half white girlfriend.

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