Sokka x Dai (Love)

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A/N this occurs after Chapter 88 of AtLA Rewritten: Edition One


"Have to take all my makeup off and get rid of this crown," Dai muttered, making a face and sitting at the vanity.

Sokka blinked and stood there, closing the door after him and following her to the vanity. "I don't understand why you use it. You're beautiful without," he said calmly, hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her.

Dai pouted, looking up at him and removing her crown. "I like it," she said simply. She leaned forward, soaking a cotton ball and swiping it over her face. She put her hands on his and looked back up at him once she was finished.

"Yes, I'm aware. And you're beautiful with it, beautiful without," he said, smiling. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. "You are beautiful."

Dai closed her eyes, smiling as her kissed her, and she wiggled her way out from under his hands, taking his wrist and pulling her to the bed again. "Are you tired?" she asked mischievously. "I don't think I am."

He tilted his head to the side, an eyebrow raised at her question, before grabbing her wrists and pushing her down on the bed. "Oh, aren't you?" he asked with a confident grin as he looked down at her.

Dai shook her head, biting her lip as he pressed her into the bed. "No," she said breathily, her eyes shining. "Whatever shall we do to pass time?"

Sokka looked down at her and chuckled. He leaned down into her neck, starting to kiss it softly, a smile on his face. "Mmm... I don't know," he teased, whispering against her neck. "What does my queen want?" he asked, nibbling softly.

Dai hummed, her lips pressed together, tilting her head a little. "I'm not sure," she giggled. "Do you have any ideas?" She closed her eyes, her cheeks pink.

Sokka kept his lips on her neck, kissing in different spots and moving up to her jaw. "Mmm... maybe," he said, speaking against her skin, his breath hot. He slowly moved up to press his lips against hers in a deep kiss.

Dai groaned quietly in protest at his teasing, tilting her head as he kissed up her neck. She kissed him back passionately until he broke the kiss minutes later, and whispered against his lips. "Care to share?"

Sokka pulled, his hand moving to her breast and holding it. "I think I'll let my actions speak for themselves," he said with a chuckle. He slightly pulled away to take his shirt off before turning back on top of her.

Dai blinked at him, a little breathless. She bit her lip, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Fine," she responded, her voice slightly pouty. She bit her lip again, her eyes moving up and down his torso before returning to his eyes.

Sokka chuckled at her reaction. "Why don't we take off this gown of yours, hm?" he asked with a smile as his hands ran up and down her waist for a moment. He didn't break eye contact as he began to undress her.

"I suppose we should," Dai agreed, moving slightly to help him as he pulled the dress off. She laid back down, smiling softly and moving her hands to his jaw now that they weren't pinned, kissing him softly.

"I suppose, huh?" he teased dropped the dress on the floor. She shrugged, eyes gleaming. His hands slowly guided her up the bed and she slid with them so that her head was on a pillow. He leaned back into her neck, one of his hands moving to her breast and massaging it, and the other on her waist, keeping her close. Her hands slid to his shoulder blades and she looped her legs around him, pulling his hips against hers, grinning mischievously. Sokka chuckled against her neck, and he gently started rubbing himself against her. He leaned down, kissing the top of her breasts. Dai whined softly in protest at his teasing, despite the fact that she had initiated it, and he chuckled. She moved her hands to his hair, intertwining her fingers in it. She tilted her head back, her back arching slightly. He slid his hand underneath her, unclipping her bra. "Oops," he said, grinning and dropping it onto the floor.

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