Chapter 13: The shadow

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Ariel's POV

I lie awake in my hospital bed and stare into the darkness. The moonlight is the only thing that allows me to see where I am. Right before sleep overcomes me, I hear footsteps from outside and notice the light of a candle in the crack of the door.

Silently, I slip out of my covers and tiptoe to the door. The ground is cold underneath my feet, but I don't let myself shiver. The door creaks a little as I open it, so I have to shove myself in the tiny crack that is my ticket out.

A shadow slips past the corner to the next hallway. I tiptoe after it wondering who's there.

I stop at the corner and peer into the hallway. A hooded figure in a black cloak stands just outside the King's chambers. The figure slips something in between the door and the wall and it clicks open. It holds something behind its back. The item shines in the moonlight and I recognize it as a dagger.

I gasp. He's going to kill the King!

"Stop!" I demand boldly and the figure stops dead in its tracks. Slowly, it turns around but its hood still covers its face. "Show yourself!"

The forgive rigidly slips his hood off and I gasp. The figure smiles slyly. "Hello again, Ariel." Daniel smirks at me menacingly.

I scream.

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