Chapter 29 - A visit from a friend

Start from the beginning

Tony returned to her bedside and took her hand "he won't hurt you again Y/N okay?" Tony looked at her. She nodded.
"Not that I am defending him Y/N but ... I really do think that he is sorry and didn't want to hurt you. It sounds like hydra made him do it" Bruce tried to reassure her to which Tony snapped his head up and glared. Despite hating Loki , he knew deep down that Bruce was right.

"I don't want to talk about it" just hearing the word hydra made her begin to shake and her heart rate picked up.
"Hey , shh it's okay. We don't have to talk about anything yet okay? Just stay calm" Tony rubbed the back of her hand to reassure her.

Two doctors walked in to give Y/N her hourly pain killers.
"Good morning miss Y/N" they smiled.
She nodded back and waited for them to top up her pain killers via the many IV's sticking out of her arm.
Y/N couldn't watch , needles and blood made her cringe but equally she couldn't stand bearing anymore pain.
"I'll get Steve and Clint to come and set up a tv for you down here. Nat can come down too. It'll be nice for them to see you and I'm sure you could do with the company." Tony patted her head.
"That would be nice. Thank you Tony" Y/N smiled.
"I know you don't want to talk about it kid but Fury is gonna need answers at some point" Tony pried. He knew it was a sore subject.
"You don't have to tell us everything but just start with something... easy?" Bruce sat at the end of the bed and Tony by her side. She shuffled uncomfortably.
"I.... I can't. Every time I think about it I start to panic... Tony I can't .. I'm sorry" she start to breathe quickly and cry.
"Shhh it's okay it's okay. You don't have to talk about anything. We can ask Loki instead it's fine" Tony leaned in the hug Y/N. He knew how painful it was for her to talk about it.
"I tell you what, we'll leave you to rest for a few hours and we'll bring everyone down later and we can have a take out together. How does that sound?" Bruce smiled.
Y/N nodded , wiping her tear from her cheeks. "Sounds good, thank you".
Tony stood up, kissed her on the forehead and left with Bruce to return upstairs.

They both entered the living room and sat down on the sofas in front of the fire.
"Those bastards have really messed with her head Bruce" Tony held his head in his hands.
"It's going to take time Tony. She's been through a lot. When Loki gets back we'll talk to him. And I mean talk Tony okay? We can't get anymore riled up over this. It's happened , we need to accept this and move on. It'll help Y/N to recover quicker" Bruce replied.
Tony nodded and the pair sat watching tv and waited for the rest of the team to return from their mission.

*a few hours later*

"Hey guys, how did the mission go?" Bruce asked as they stepped out of the elevator.
"Not too bad , we have a few more hydra agents in custody at shield. Some in connection to what happened with Loki and Y/N" Clint replied.
"Hopefully they'll get some more information on Zemo's whereabouts" Nat said walking over to the kitchen.
"Zemo's whereabouts?" Tony queried
"He escaped" Loki grumbled. He was still angry from his encounter with Y/N last night despite being kept busy throughout the day.

"Please for the love of god, don't tell Y/N that , she'll freak out more" Tony shook his head.
"Hows she doing?" Steve asked.
"Better than before. She's talking and smiling" Bruce said whilst shovelling noodles in his mouth.
"She talked to you? What did she say?" Loki was intrigued. He couldn't get her to talk to him. Not that he was too surprised.
"Yes Loki she talked. She's fine. I told her we would go and visit her this evening with a takeaway. Just to take her mind off of things" Tony replied, he was mad at Loki still but listened to Bruce and stopped himself from causing a stir.
"Has she said anything about what happened?" Asked Clint.
"No, and she won't. She has a panic attack if you even mention the word hydra. It's going to take time" Tony sighed.
"Loki can I talk to you in my office?" Tony looked at Loki who raised his eyebrows. "Please. I don't want to argue"
Loki nodded and followed Tony to the next room.
"Look, I know there's been a lot of ...tension between you and I but in order to move forward we need to know what happened" Tony wanted to stay being mad at Loki but knew that he needed to be civil.
"It might be better coming from Y/N , she ..."
"She can't tell me Loki. She's distraught. I need to know why" Tony snapped back.
Loki sighed and sat down in the chair in front of Tony.
"She can produce a fourth element" Loki looked up at Tony who was now wide eyed with shock.
"She can what? How? When?" Tony asked
"It looked like lightning or electricity. She was angry and in pain and when Zemo prompted her she managed to produce a flicker of it. When he asked he again she said no and then.." Loki trailed off.
"Then what?" Tony asked. He could see this was difficult for Loki to discuss knowing that he had been one of the main causes for her suffering.
"They carried her off to torment and torture her. To beat it out of her. In the lead up to that they... we... I had been shocking her. Tony please believe me when I say that I didn't want any of this. I just wanted her to show them her powers so we could leave" Loki could see Tony's eyes darkening.
"What else did you... they do to her?" He asked.
"I....most of it was electrocution. She was in a water tank at some point being shocked , if she passed out or fought back then they would take her away and beat her. Tony they wouldn't stop. They kept poking her and stabbing her and torturing her. I'd hear her screaming at night .. I couldn't help her ... I... I couldn't" Loki started to tear up but Tony held his hand up to stop him. He walked over and patted him on the shoulder and started towards the door.
"It's okay. I get the picture. Thank you" Tony left.

Loki stayed sat down for a few minutes longer mulling over the events of the last few weeks. He couldn't keep his anger hidden.

Tony went back to the others in the living room and tried to keep himself distracted from his new found knowledge on what happened to Y/N.  He didn't want to tell the team yet. Not until Y/N was feeling herself a little more.

"Let's order some food then shall we" he said, clapping his hands together. "Steve, Clint can you get a tv ready to take down to the med bay for Y/N , we're all going down to visit her this evening. Cheer her up okay?" Tony smiled whilst holding back his tears of sorrow for Y/N. The team all nodded and began ordering their food.

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