Chapter 24 🔥

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I'm rudely awaken by the sound of my phone ringing. I look around for it and found it on the nightstand. I pick it up and see it's Bloom calling. I answer with a sleepy voice. "Hello?" I see Sky walking out of the bathroom in his towel.

"Where are you !?" I can't really move because Riven is still fast asleep. "Out. Why ? What's wrong ?" Sky looks over worriedly. "I need to talk to you. It's really important." I ran a hand through my hair. "Okay I'll see you in a bit." I hang up and start to slowly try and prey Riven off me.

"How is he not awake?" Sky asks. Shaking his head. "He is a really heavy sleeper." I laugh and finally free myself from his arms. This seems to woke him up. "What are you doing ?" I smile sweetly at him. "I've got to go. People to see places to be."

His not really impressed with my answer. I lean forward and give him a quick kiss before getting out of bed. "I'll catch up later." With that I grab my boots and I'm out the door. Bloom texted me to meet her at the stone circle. That is away from everything. I wonder why ? I need to change too. I sneak back into the suite. Grab some clothes and change.

Musa's POV

I grab a stick and make my way to the training mats. I'm so sick of being the reader all the time. Like I have no magic. They treat me like I'm pathetic and weak. Need to stay on the side lines. As I walk over I see Riven busy with his workout.

"You like holding big sticks?" I roll my eyes at him. Dick. I spin the stick a couple of times and then point it at his face. "I take that as a yes." He pushes the stick away. I pull it back and place the end on the ground next to me.

"I think I just threw up." He laughs and step closer. "I saw you with the support rounds with Mrs Dowling at training. I didn't expect a mind fairy to have such good moves." He looks me up and down.

I look straight back at him. "Well Ava is a mind fairy." I remember her telling us after the burned one that people need to believe she's a mind fairy. They can't know her real self. "She's pretty good at handling herself." I see his mood changed. I smirk at him. "I used to be a dancer. I kind of miss being physical."

I tilt my head. He gets angry. "Well too bad. Your a fairy. They don't care what you want to be in this place only what they want you to be." I focus on him. Suddenly feeling his anger towards this place. His feelings for Ava. "You really hate it here don't you and you really have it bad for Ava. You think you're not good enough for her and that she'll realize it and completely walk away."

I know about their relationship. Terra filled me in on it. He steps closer and points a finger at my face. "Stay the fuck out of my head. Mind fairies. Walking red flags" I see Sam is approaching us.

Riven shakes his head. Turns and walks away. "Good luck with that one mate." He pats Sam on his shoulder. "What was that about?" He look back to where Riven dissapeared too. I just shake my head. I wish I knew.

As we're making out on Stella's bed another pot plant falls to the ground. Sam sit up and I know the mood is ruined. "I should get dressed. I need to catch up with Terra and Aisha." He nods and I pull my shirt back on. "I'll see you later." I nod and he leaves.

I look around the room. I sense Stella. That is for sure. I just need to make sure where. My eyes lock at the same place the  plant fell over. "Wanna come out now?" Then Stella appears. I'm impressed. "New magic. Not bad."

She smiles at me. "Thanks. I've had some practice." She is sad. I can feel it. "How long have you been hiding here ?" She stares and then answers. "A few days." She is trouble with negative emotions. "You wanna talk about it ?"

She smiles. Walk forward. "Ava is usually the one I talk too." I get the same energy from her that I got from Riven earlier. She cares. "Yeah she has alot of stuff to deal with right now. Manly Riven." Stella looks down. "Yeah that's my fault too. I lost my boyfriend and I'm pretty close to losing my best friend."

I frown and pat the spot next to me. "You'll never lose her Stella. She cares to much about you." She shakes her head. "I'm the reason she can't be with him." I frown. This doesn't make sense. "When my mom found out that Ava had a boyfriend she called Dowling and Silva."

She stops and takes a breath. "They had to expel the boy immediately or she'll send her guards to kill him." Wow, this is actually pretty cruel. "Ava knew Riven can't afford to get expelled. His dad would totally loose it. So she went to her dad. Made him promise not to expel Riven and that she'll break it off with him"

I feel guilt radiating from her. I place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Silve had to tell my mom that Ava was no longer involved with anybody. So she broke it off with him. Never told him the reason because she's afraid." I try and process this all. "Why?" Stella begin to laugh.

"Because my mom doesn't want her distracted. All her focus has to be on me. To protect me."

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