Nodding simply, you watched as Killer folded the map and put it into his back pocket.

"Today's going to be pretty packed, we have a lot to restock up on considering that fight blew half our ammunition and put a big dent to our funds. Those guys didn't even have any treasure to make up for it."

As usual, you were looking down at the leather gloves covering your hand, fingers wiggling so you could hear the sound of the leather straining ever so slightly. You were really only half-listening.

"Oh yeah? I guess I was out most the time, huh."

A forced giggle slipped your lips as you thought regretfully about how easily you were taken out. That was definitely one of your lowest moments. Killer could see you still felt guilty about something you couldn't help, so he placed a hand on your shoulder and patted it.

"Stop blaming yourself. Anyway,"

He removed his hand and took another paper from his pocket, handing it to you before turning to go finish whatever he was doing before.

"This is a list of things including ammunition we need, after that you can do whatever you want."

Once more, you nodded and beamed at him in an understanding fashion as he retreated.

"Thanks, Killer."


As expected, the island was as hot as the ship.

Wire threw you a bottle of water when you had jumped down from the ship to the dock, considering the drying heat. No one had been told what group they were in for restocking and such as since seeing the wanted posters, no one had seen Kid.

Of course, you wanted to know what he was up to.

"Do you know where captain is?"

You shot Wire an inquisitive glance as he shrugged momentarily, looking slightly disheveled from the sheer heat of the island. Now that you thought about it, most guys did.

"Killer said we should go ahead. Captain's doing work."

Wire rolled his eyes as you began to snicker.

Kid "working" is really just him playing around with scrap metals instead of taking responsibility for the crew. Oh well, Killer had given you money for the stock and told you to take Heat with you. Wire was meant to be checking out the island to see if it had any marine connections for security purposes; I'm sure Kid just wanted to have a fight.

Typical, really.

The docks were large - the island was evidently pirate friendly so many of the walkways jutted out to different kinds of ships. The Victoria Punk was massive, but some of the other ones looked just as big. Unlike the last place, this island was far more barren and gave you a boring vibe despite the overwhelming amount of ships. Luckily, it had a range of shops you noticed as you began to walk with Heat down the docks.

"Sure is hot here."

"Yeah, definitely."

You took one look at Heat next to you - he was wearing hardly anything on his top half so he was probably having a considerably better time than you.

Lucky men and their shirtless behaviour.

The paper Killer gave you was crumpled in your pocket, creasing forever as you then took it out to gaze over the list of items.

"I don't know where in hell we will find half this stuff."

Raising an eyebrow, you scanned the list that mainly consisted of different ammunitions like bullets and cannonballs. They weren't usually something sold so out in the open.

"This place is much more underground than other islands,"

Heat muttered to you before pointing a finger over to a ragged and tatty looking shop whose sign was half hanging off the front. Like any normal person, you were pretty sceptical about the place because it looked dodgy as hell.

I mean who were you kidding, you were a pirate. You should be used to seeing this kind of thing.

"We can easily find that stuff."

The bell that hung above the door jingled lightly as the both of you entered.

Just like the outside was, the inside was just as messy and disorganised. Crates lay here and there and different forms of weapons such as swords and guns spilled out of them and onto the floor. Some held cannonballs, some were on the shelves that seemed to be just as bad in condition as the boxes were.

Only two other people were in the shop, the keeper and a man who spoke to him about something in his hand that looked to be a gun. The man had red hair, the locks poking out under a hat. He wore some kind of jumpsuit, but you could only see his back.

"Old man, you sure you don't have any bullet shells spare? I can make the actual ammunition myself."

You heard his voice as you stepped further into the room, Heat not far behind you.

"No can do. I sell shells off when we get em', they go fast to cheap manufacturers."

The redhead's shoulders slouched as he sighed, placed the weapon in his hand back into a bag at his side before he turned to leave. You noticed now he had a disappointed look on his face - yet dark glasses obscured his eyes.

"Well, it was worth a sho... t?"

Without even meaning to, he almost collided with you as he was walking, not realising you were there. Heat grabbed your arm and pulled you back ever so slightly so you didn't bump into him, but you shot him a look and turned around.

Though, you narrowed your eyes and froze upon seeing the blue-haired man's expression.

Heat always had this sombre look, but now he had a harsh glare on his face directed towards the man; who in turn left as fast as he could without a second glance. Consequently the bell went again, a whistle leaving the lips of the shopkeeper causing you to pivot around.

"If I'da known such a beautiful lady was gunna step foot in me ol' shop today, I'da made a right effort!"

Grimacing at how he was checking you out head to toe, you stared at the man. Heat walked around you rather nonchalantly and handed him the list, ignoring his call. The man scanned the page, chuckling and leaning back in his chair to look up at Heat lazily.

He pushed himself from his seated position and went around to the back door, still muttering about you under his breath.



His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now