Men these days

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Song for the chapter- LSD - Genius ft. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth

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As soon as I had spoken, his two swords had been brought down on me to only be blocked by mine in a crossed formation. I then instantly went on the offensive, calculating my moves and hitting them with precision. I then saw that his left hand was obviously weaker than the right. I used this to my advantage as I roundhouse kicked his right sword out of his hand. And whilst he was switching sides with his sword, I kicked him in the side. Causing him to fall to the ground.

He then smirked up at me and I smirked back. He quickly got up. And we started at it again. Punching, blocking and hitting. It was a never ending cycle. But all of a sudden in one quick move he had Manoeuvred my body so my back was pressed against his front with his two swords against my neck.

'It seems I've won now hasn't it, love'. His deep voice send a shiver down my spine. At that moment I imagined what it felt like to have his soft lips on mine. Sh1t what was I even thinking. I had to get this thought out of my head. I then pushed of the ground flipping backwards bringing him down with me. He then let out a hard grunt as we both landed on the ground.

I then quickly got on top of him as he smirked saying
'Someone like being in this position on top of me'

I then slightly blushed as I raised my weapon to his neck. I then had an idea. I then whispered in his ear. 'I never said I didn't. His face then smirked even more as he coughed and quickly pushed me of him. He then walked away from the Specilaists training area as I shouted towards him 'Looks like someone needs a cold shower'. He then turned around and let out a deep chuckle and said something Inaudible to my ear.

I made my way back over to where Sky and Stella were talking. As I sat down Stella was talking about some party.
'Are we hanging out before the party'. Sky then looked at her as he said 'I don't know we'll see with training and with Silva'. I then looked at them both confused whilst asking ' what party'. Stella then looked me up and down and said 'It's a party in one of the war rooms everyone goes'. Sky then looked afar into the distance looking at Silva and asked 'what do you think about Silva, Stel?'
'Fine'. That's when I looked at Stella thinking what the frick is she even on about can she even see him deathly ill, pale or limping.

But before I could say anything. Riven appeared from behind me. 'Dr, Stella coming though with a zero- effort diagnosis. I then snickered covering my mouth with my hands. Covering it up with a cough as soon as I saw Stellas death glare.

They continued there conversation as I observed the man. * cough God cough* next to me. I smirked to myself as I looked up at his slightly wet hair. I then zoned out of the conversation but as I heard Stella speak I was snapped out of my thoughts 'Professor Harvey still had him on the ZanBaq, right, he'll be fine'.

I then rolled my eyes. 'That only manages the symptoms, Idiot'. Stella then turned to face me whilst saying 'you do realise I'm the Princess of Solaria, right'. I then looked at her back with the same intensity whilst saying 'does this face look like it gives a fuck'. But as I looked in her eye it seemed it held just a little admiration towards me and it looked as if she was holding up a wall. So I quickly replied 'it seems we are more alike than we thought'. The two boys looked at each other confused whilst Stellas face forms a slight smile.

But then Stella left this bench we were on to go to class. I mean I probably should go too but I mean this would be too much effort to get up. If only I had Dylan O'Brien to carry me. Like the queen I am.
I then quickly left whilst fantasising about Dylan in my head as I made my way over to 2 guys training.

RIVEN - ◎The Light in the Darkness ◎ Fate winx sagaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin